Hi Everyone, Brand new here. I got a 49, 3/4 ton as my toy. Trying to fix a couple things but having trouble locating parts. First off, need the oil seal for the pinion bearing on the differential Second, need the oil seal for the one of the rear wheels. The rear axle on this is the floating type. This seal prevent the 90 weight grease in the differential from entering the brake pad area. If someone has an idea where to get these, it would be appreciated. Thanks Jim
Welcome jim ! Althopugh you can get the seals from our forum sponsor or Chevs Of The 40's , your best bet is to walk into your local FLAPS and have the counterman crack the Bower BCA / Federal Mogul bearing & seal book, they'll be right there . Same thing @ any NAPA store , you just have to find a counterman who knows how to READ A CATALOG , as there's footnotes and so on.. Also , each and every seal has it's own part number casted into it if you look carefully before removing .
Thank you. I did look in the online catalog, but didn't see anything. Blind I guess!!!! Go to part store tomorrow and try my luck. Jim
seals These seals fit 46 to 65 chev 3/4 ton. GM part #3653618 pinion seal , axle seals #3743202 just for reference.: Nate gave you good advice.
Yeah , Well ; I DO work in the parts room of a large truck shop ya know.... Sadly the retard on night shift 'cleaned up ' a while back and tossed out all my old Timken and Bower/BCA bearing and seal catalogs... this is why I didn't justpost up your part #'s Jim , sorry . I'd have thought they'd haveOnLine catalogs but no ~ even when I wrote them and said this is an urgent need and would increase sales , they blew me off . HEY ! I wonder if Chicago Rawhide has an OnLine seal catalog ?
Hi, got the seals; cross-referenced here. http://www2.chicago-rawhide.com/popup_parts_lookup_457012.htm Local parts house carries SKF who own chicago rawhide thanks Jim
Last Word On Seals Is that GM tends to have better quality seals than most aftermarket manufactureres.... I don't know whay this is but it IS so . Whenever possible , order up the new seals from your local GM dealer and you'll be pleased .