Alls well that ends well! Great to hear all from the forum are accounted for and well. The refineries and chemical plants were definitely saved by the levie All were shut down and are now back in the start-up mode which is what's driving the flares. It should all settle down in a week or so. Thats the good news, the bad news is expect a spike in gas prices But don't blame this one on the refiners, they are loosing big money having to shut down the plants! This time it's pure mother nature doing her thing.
Finally got my home computer ... ... back up and running and then had to find the USB cable for the camera. 1st of 7 loads of Ike debris on its way to the dump.
Thanks for sending help Zig. First the prayers and then today I saw a convey of KC Power & Light trucks repairing lines in the next subdivision down the road.