I found my tranny noise today. and thought i bought a new pilot bushing and all is OK. Nothing! The pilot bushing is a brass bushing but the diameter is too small. ( I have a roller bearing inside) After removing my tranny and clutch i take a pic. Could you help me which part i need?. I'm looking at the catalog from Jim Carter and Chev's but not to find. Could i use Nates "grease" method to replace?. Volker
Clutch Pilot Bearing Yes , Vokler , you can , dismount the clutch first . If you can find a MACHINE SHOP WITH SOME SINTERED BRASS , THEY CAN EASILY MAKE YOU A NEW ONE , BE SURE TO SOAK IT IN SOME 10w OIL FOR A FEW DAYS BEFORE INSTALLING . I am sure that Chevs Of The 40s in Washington State will have a brandy new one for you in stock .
Pilot Thanks Nate. It seem that the bearing is pressed into the flywheel. Is it correct?. If yes i can take out the flywheel and go to the machine shop. Please let me know if i have a wrong idea. ...and is it simple if i take out the flywheel?? Chev's don't have this bearing. i talked yesterday with Chev's. Only small bushing and roller bearing for 31 till 39
pilot brg The 31 to 39 chev used a brg pressed into the crankshaft : the org # 907109 changed to # 907321. the dimensions are : 19/32 I.D. x 1 13/32 O.D. x 11/32. www.obschevy.com has 907321 hope this helps
They're all pressed into the crankshaft , not the flywheel . The grease and dowel trick should pop it right out , remember sometimes the grease splatters so wear safety glasses . Your picture is very low resolution , it looks like a bushing to me . Either a bushing or roller bearing willwork , it's not a snug fit to the tranny shaft.
Thanks Nate if i check the bearing with my finger i feel the rollers therefore it must be a roller bearing. Because the weather in Germany is very good i build all parts together and drove today. It's a little bit loud but i know what's wrong and that's good. I will change the bearing later. I will go to the machine shop with the old bearing and let it produce. Thanks for your tip with the splashing grease. I think my face looks not so good with grease on it. Volker the grease monster shankamoto: obschevy don't have the roller bearing. They said it's hard to find.
If the roller bearing has decent rollers in it (no bent ones) , I'd retain it as the roller bearing is the heavy duty part ~ can you shift into first or reverse without clashing the gears ? if so , the bearing is O.K. , wipe some of the Grease Monster grease off your face and onto your little finger , work it into the rollers and it should be good to go . Look closely at the tranny input shaft , if any ridges or roughness , wrap a strip of 1,000 grit or finer wet/dry emory paper / Crocus Cloth 'round it and work it until smooth , be 1000 % sure to get al the SWARF and abrasive etc. off before smearing the thinnest coat of grease on it . Now that you have the throw out bearing in your hands , press lightly on it with your fingertips and rotate it ~ ANY roughness or feeling of bearings moving , no matter how slight , means this bearing is junk . usually , if the ring on the clutch plate is flat , you want a round surface on the T.O. bearing and vice - versa , this allows the geometry to work out smoothly as the bearing moves in and out depressing the clutches operating ring .