I changed the pilot bearing (i found a good machine shop nearby) and the clutch bearing today and now i have a new problem. I have vibration when i drive faster then 30 mph and the reason is my driveline. I connected the u-joint correct (tranny side) closed the u-joint ball and installed the connection to cross bar but the vibrations on the driveline are there. Could i adjust the driveline anywhere or what's the function of the screws at the end of the driveline (3 screws around on the input of rear axle)
Volker ; The screws by the Pinion hold the bearings in place , don't touch them . If this vibration is new , the problem has to be in the U-Joint fittment or the clutch etc. You can jack up and safely block the truck's rear wheels off the ground then run it in gear and carefully scrooch underneath the locate the vibration's source... Once in a while a tire sperates , even new ones so if the hanging tire begins to bounce when you rev. it up , there's the trouble .
Nate, Mine has a new vibration like that, was told that maybe the guys put to much tork on the u joint bolts and flattened the caps some??? Also told that maybe the shaft was re set 180 from it's old place??? Do you think the caps can be over tightened on the u-joint? Thanks
vibration i loosed the screws as i began with the restoration but after the decision to let the rear axle in original condition i fixed in orginal position (i think so). Therefore my question about adjustment. I jacked up the rear axle to locate the vibrations. i saw the joint ball (tranny side) moved up and down a little and i could turn the joint ball by hand when the wheels turned and i could feel the vibrations. Is it possible that i put out of shape the driveline as i used a jack to lift up the driveline for taking out the tranny?
I'd think the 180° out part is most likely . it's hard to imagine those tiny bolts could distort the caps before snapping , if so if should be obvious to the eye . -Nate
Volker : The driveshaft is quite sturdy , hard to imagine you bending it but easy to check ~ remove the U-Jouint and look at the driveshaft as you turn one rear wheel to rotate it... I am thinking more likely the U-Joint is 180°out of phase or maybe somehoe mis-aligned when you assembled it... Hard to know without being there to eyeball it . -Nate
try it it's a shame but the way to you is too long and the oversea container too expensive I could try to explain when i go to the US for vacation in spring next year. Where are you from exactly Nate? AMERICA is too big. I will try to turn 180 on wednesday and i have a new idea. i welded the u-joint part (tranny to u-joint, i welded the shim to the output joint because the speedometer doesn't work ) and i think it's possible that a part of welding material it's too big and the u-joint isn't free for moving. I come back after checking the u-joint.
i've found the drivelin vibrations It's was simple. Not the pilot bearing or the drive line. The tranny was out of center. All 4 bolts are tight nevertheless was it not in center. I had a problem to mounting the bracket from the brake reservoir to the tranny. And thats was the reason. I loosed all 4 bolts from the tranny and used a bar to reposition the tranny. Now the bolts to the brake bracket fits smooth and the tranny slip into the center position (approx. 0,1 inc). After connect the drive line it turns very round Finish with my truck. pics following ASAP. Tomorrow i will take a lot of pix. Volker