Anyone have some inside the cab fuel tank brackets ?? Mine have some rust cancer bad. perhap and old cab thats the brackets can be cut out of.Or maybe from a cab that the tank was moved to between the rails. Even if they have some issues i can cut and weld to fix up what i need. thank as always KILROY WAS HERE!!!!!!
Im pretty sure I have a couple of them in my extra parts I have give me few days to look them up,Ill let you have both for $20.00 plus shipping.Ill get you pictures here in couple of days too..
cleaned them both up for you and spray painted them.Ill check on shipping on Monday 10-6-08 for you Hotrodkilroy..
are you also needing the lower mounts?...i just took a pair out of a second truck...since the previous owner decided to screw BOTH the cab bolts thru the bottom of the stock tank......, i will be relocating it to the rear like my 1st....the brackets are all yours if you want them. g.t.
Hotrodkilroy,checked on shipping it comes to $9.65 thats going thur post office cheapest way.looks like $29.65 shipped to your door.P.M. me your address and as soon as I get your (moneyorder) in the mail Ill send them to you. thanks
OK Let me try to get this right. My tank staps are fine. What i need is the peices that the tank sits on on the floor.They are bolted to the floor and welded to the back of the cab. they hold the nuts for the cab mounts. I guess i dont need the staps that u have for me 283 im sorry if i caused any inconveince. but if u have the part they bolt to on the floor. Im so there. Thank-you Kilroy was here!!!!!!
I have them both Hotrodkilroy and the things that hold the straps on let me look them up they are in my garage or shed.Ill take them to the post office an weigh then on the scale and get back to you.Sorry I misunderstood on the what you needed. My mistake .I got it right now, sale them at the same price plus your shipping thanks Morton
Morton, Can u post a pic and ill tell u if it what i need I can seen to be able to post pics or id post mine. But im very much interested and willing to work with you. Damn ol trucks can be just as frustrating as they are fun KILROY WAS HERE!!!!!
hotrodkilroy,thought I had so extra ones in my parts ,but I dont sorry about that cant help you.maybe someone else can. Morton
ive got em if ya want em....their dirty but VERY little rust., lets see.....i get 60 bucks an hr.......ok, 10 bucks and there yours. g.t.
Damn G.T. You strike a hard bargain. I wonder if we will have to get the congress to aprove buy out program Ha Ha. Ill tke them just let me know how much shipping to Maine. Kilroy was here