1950 3100 6 volt sys.

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by k-fly, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. k-fly

    k-fly Member

    Oct 4, 2008
    Because everything works on this truck, I'd like to keep it 6 volt

    Question is, I thought I read about a 6 volt HEI conversion, true?

    I can't seem to find out anything where to find, Please Help....
  2. Steve Katzman

    Steve Katzman Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    I've been looking

    I'm also 6v and have been looking at doing the same. Petronix has them on the web site. Looks like there are a number of ones to choose from. I was going to wait until my new points acted up and then make the plunge.
  3. 51 HHR

    51 HHR Member

    Apr 26, 2008
    New Egypt New Jersey

    Im with steve on this one I am waiting for this set of points to give up and then taking the plunge for teh pertonixs unit for the6 volt unless i convert over to 12 volt first
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Here's The Deal :

    Right now , copy down the Delco part number for your dizzy and send if off to Pertronics in San Dimas , Ca. , tell them you want the P/N for a 6 volt , negative ground Ignitor , when they send you the P/N , go OnLine and find who sells them cheapest , a few years ago I was able to purchase for only $35.00 each ~ it fits inside the dizzy and <magically> improves/increases the spark unbelieveably ~ you'll have instant starting hot or cold , Uber smooth idle , better fuel economy etc. , etc.

    You'll be able to open the (copper cored) spark plug gaps up to .045" so they'll fire even that old oil burning junk 216 engine that works like a mosquito abatement truck ....

    DO THIS ! .

    You'll want to install an epoxy filled 1.6 Ohm coil , NAPA's Echlin has them as do others , whenever I get back to work I'll post up the P/N , I know it's in one of my older posts .

    For the cheap Yankee farmer types out there (hopefully I'm not the only one here) , go find that old rusted out '74 GM V-8 in the lower 40 field and grab it's ignition coil , works perfect , sparks so long it looks like welding .

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