With todays financial crisis, my budget for the truck has been virtually eliminated so I've been looking for some creative ways to save some money. With that in mind I came up with a low budget, low tech fan shroud.This is what I came up with. It's two 17x11 baking sheets I got from Walmart for $10. I cut off one side of each one, traced and cut out the hole for the electric fan and bolted the halves together. I then bolted the fan over the hole and used plastic ties to secure it to the radiator. It works good considering what it's are made of and there is plenty of clearance. I know I'll more than likely replace the radiator & get another shroud eventually, but for now I'll use this setup! Stop laughing!!
I'm thinking chocolate chip cookies! Pretty slick idea! I'm with Zig, though. Why not put louvers, or at least drill some ventilation holes for extra cooling? I think you've stumbled on something here!!
Louvers would be counter-productive when sitting still as they would allow the fan to pull SOME hot air from the engine compartment through the louvers, across the inside of the of your shroud and push that same hot air back into the engine compartment without ever passing it across the radiator. I admit that much of the air would be "new" outside air that would cross the radiator, but there would be some that was "recycled". Now if you would just make the louvers into shutters that automatically open when your truck is moving forward at a reasonable speed (say 10 MPH) and close below that ...............
Like it Like we say over here, 'necessity is the mother of all inventions' its amazing what you can come up with and how resourcefull you can be when you need to