Do any of you know if anyone reproduces the painted hubcaps for our trucks. Mine are a little worn where they fasten to the wheel. I can find the chrome ones everywhere, but not the painted.
i wish you had posted this about 3 days ago, i had a good set of painted ones and i let them go for 30 bucks
E- bay has a set actuion in 6 days 15 hours and 22 mins Item #220306317934 bid is at $12.99 for a set of 4 Kilroy was here!!!!
Thanks guys, I'll give that shot. Mine are kind of rusty on the back side and I'm afraid they might not stay on where they are rusted thru.
Well, two auctions later and I still have come up short. Help me watch for others! I hate to say it, but i hate bidding on ebay. You bid what you think it is worth or what you can afford to give, often to have somebody snipe it at the end. If the auction is live, my emotions might help me actually get what I want/need.
keep trying im sure ull get some soon. i used to have a set let me dig thru treasure chest ( back shed) and see if they are still there. Kilroy was here!!!