I have a bit of a charging issue. I have upgraded to 12V as well as an alternator. I have also installed an american autowire kit. The issue I am having is I get no charging. If I pull the negative cable while the engine is running the engine dies. This is a brand new alternator.
Check your wiring. with a voltmeter or test light. I had this when a friend swiped mine for his mopar , then begged for help after he toasted his harness trying to get it to work. IIRC you need a 12v line to the field connector on the alternator to get it to start charging. This is one of the blade type connectors inside a slot on the back or side of the alternator. I ran a line to the run position of the ignition switch. Here is an informative link http://www.hartin.com/alt.htm
yes, it appears it was a bad alternator. Thanks for the help. It surprises me when you buy something and it is DOA. I guess I should half expect it.
You didn't tell us what TYP of alternator it is nor post any pix of it so it's impossible to tell you how to easily test it in your driveway.... Never , EVER trust the boob behind the parts counter.... especially if he's ' Nate '