I bougth the hubcaps from Jim Carter (for a Car not for PU, TR131 from Jim Carter, a recommendation from Ken). Now i got the clips but how can i fix these clips on the wheels. Welding on the Wheels or drill a hole and use a rivet?. I have 6 lug wheels. Volker
Volker I sure hope you purchased the Chevy DeLuxe hubcaps , they look great and I run them on my '49 pickup just to look nicer . Since you live in Germany , just get some old '50s ~ '60's Kafer hubcap clip rivets and the installing tool , bang 'em in to the factory Chevy clips , problem solved using local tools
good help Thanks for your help. I got the clips from Jim carter and didn't believe i had to drill holes in the Wheels. But the hammer is the best idea No no i took my drill and found 6 marking points on the wheels. OK i "produced" 6 perfect holes and threads. Then i put in a screw and bolt on the clips. It fits perfect and the hubcaps are very tight. i will send a pic in the evening
Hubcap Clips I hope you used re LocTite ! you don't want e'm coming loose going down the road as those multi-layered construction hubbie make dandy projectiles when they fly off going down the road I really wish I didn't know all these negative things As far as " Hammer Time " , I doubt Volker is going to use a BFH much on his beautiful truck .
Bfh Nate: I love the short terms but what means BFH?? And of course i use LocTite. It's easy to use and hold all screws very tight. I have seen often flying hubcaps.
BIG FRICKEN HAMMER! Or variations thereof. Where are the pics of the new hubcaps? Don't you agree that those are awesome looking caps?
Acronyms Volker ; I have a buddy who was a Teletype Operator for 40 + years , I crib those short hand words (" Acronyms " in English) from him and have added a few myownself.... Flying hubcaps ? oh yes , you've not lived until a $150,000 restoration rolls through Pebble beach and one flys loose and gouges the paint on the door for 4'..... Not on MY watch mind you but it happened just the same..... -Nate
cool hubbies several years ago i bought a box full of old chev hubbies for $5 with set of those from the 40's in it now i get to roll on them
'41 ~ '47 DeLuxe Hubcaps Those are the ones ! my son bought me the full set of five some years back , Christmas or my birthday , I forget which but you KNOW I think of that every time I drive the truck.....
Most used hubcap in Chevy history! A little trivia here. If you stop and think about it, that hubcap is probably the single most produced hubcap in Chevrolet history. It was the standard hubcap for all passenger cars from '41 through '48 and the hubcap for all pickups from '41 through '47. What a run! It even came in an all-painted version in '42 due to the war effort! I had a warm fuzzy feeling tonight when I thought of all those hubcaps that have been used and abused over the 6+ decades since they first came out. How many times did one of those hubcaps become a parts storage bin for lug nuts during a flat tire? How many of them had 6 to 8 lug nuts, a greasy cotter pin all bent to hell, one huge flat washer, and one greasy bearing begging to be repacked? I love the smell of alemite in the morning, it smells like victory!
Hubcap Adapter 14" conversion to 15"? Hi all, sorry to reply instead of post new but I cannot figure this website out! I own a 1968 Airstream trailer with 15" wheels. I recently purchased two vintage hubcaps/wheel covers that are actually 14" in diameter. Is there an accessory that converts a 14" hubcap to a 15" hubcap? Picture is found on ebay link below. Thanks so much! Best, Dawn Wheel cover: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Air...Parts_Accessories&hash=item20dd18663b&vxp=mtr Wheel: http://www.vintagetrailersupply.com/15_Trailer_Wheel_p/vts-089.htm