Any body have an suggestion on how to keep mildew developing in the cab. I keep the old girl in an unheated garage and and get mildew growing in the seat and doors panels. Any easy ideas short of running de-hummidifer all the time. Let me know if you have found any tricks. Thanks. Dave
Dave, you might try putting a double handful of charcoal briquets in an open container and put that in the cab. I've heard that the charcoal will absorb moisture and keep mildew from forming. Worth a try.
use the old boating trick put an incandesent bulb in the cab and leave it on 40 watt should do the trick GT
Clorox Light occasional wiping with a clean cloth and a mild bleach solution will help a bunch in controlling mildew on paint and vinyl, but be very conservative. A little bleach goes a long way and it can be very harsh. Follow the bleach with a decent upholstery treatment. Do not use bleach on any type of fabric. It will change color, and possibly disintegrate. Around here mildew is a first course, then mold, then rust, then compost. Then we go west or north and look for more old iron to bring back to the coast. Jim S.