I was trying to adjust the passenger side door and couldn't get the bottom to align correctly. I took the hinge our for inspection and found that the pin was in three pieces. One each in the top and bottom of the body side of the hinge and the remainder through the door side piece. My problem now is either to remove the pin and repair it with $3.49 hinge rebuild kit or just replace it with a $49.95 hinge. I would like to save money, but I am having trouble removing the pieces of the pin. Any hints? I do not have a drill press.
Give Me a shout on Email, 58fleetside , Its In the For sale parts 55 thru 59 parts ,Or Pm Me. I,ll see if I can Find a Decent used one cheaper if You are interested . Thanks Bob .
If it looks rebuild it! It will line up! I rebuild all of my hinges, if the hing is in good condition not out of round oblonged (spelling may be wrong) just rebuild it using a new hing pin kit. You will need a small press for the brass rings. $4.00 vs $45.00..
Hey, Steve is right i have rebuilt over 200 hinges and they all work good.As long as the hole is still round you are good to go.I have even welded bad holes and drilled them back out and they work fine.These higes are prety hard to kill. .P.S the hinges are the same left and right they just flip them if you did not know already. Cliff