Yes she has life, A couple of gallons of gas in her new tank (no leaks) was worried about that. A drizzle down her thoat, A little distributer tickle, and before you know it PURRING LIKE A KITTEN. The carb is not the gratest I would like to change it out. But all and all a proud moment. Life is easy without the fenders. The next step the painless wiring kit .
Pass out the cigars! Congrats! Life is definitely easy with no fenders! The truck is looking awesome. Keep us posted!
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! You can't beat a 350~ Course if my 228 ever gives up, I'm looking for a 283. You really shouldn't have done that. Now, the only thing you'll be able to think about is setting on that seat with that steering wheel in your hands as you're rolling down the road feeling that "good vibration". There's no going back now.
Easy To Beat Uh ; I was trying to be polite , not asking why it now has two extra uneeded cylinders but NOOOOO you had to make life hard for me Zig
Zig can be a nuisance at times... But he means well Isn't it funny? When I was a young gear head, I used to hate it when dad bought something with a "6". Why can't we have something with a V8? Now that I've grown older and wiser, I'm thinking "Dang, what workhorses those inline 6's are!" Give me a 6 banger any day!
Old Fogies Well ; Don't be too proud as the kiddies can race right past us until we reach the twisty bits , then I like to pass most everyone else on the road.... ' hey mister , how'd you pass us on that hill back there ?! ' Old age & experiance trumps youth and enthusiasm every time !
shouda woulda couda It brobably would have been easyer to put it back to original. I got the truck without a moter and trans. And started working on it before I knew about this site.
Hey Richie : The important thing to remember is this : YOU are paying for it so however YOU like it , is how it should be done . I just grew up in the (not done yet) days of too many good trucks going to the junkyard after someone took it all apart to make a poorly concieved Hot Rod is all . In the long run , stock is _much_ harder to do , that's why my truck is a mix 'n match of parts but is still a work truck 58 years later It woh't win any trophys but it always brings me home , loaded or empty , in comfort & style Your truck is great ! . Especially the paint .