Finally got a chance to try out the new tailgate. It fits great! I sold the other one on Ebay. I initially sold it for $100 but forgot to mention in the listing that it was too short, so I contacted the buyer and offered it to them for half off and they took it. Figured it was the right thing to do as I'd want the same done for me.
Looking good! And the paint scheme will be what??? You know you will now have to become a striping expert as well, right?
Well right now I'm leaning towards the black satin look. There's something about it that just screams "old school streetrod". I still have a few bugs to work out though; the rearend needs to be centered in the wheel wells, need to run the fuel filler, smooth the rear fenders and a few other details before I tackle the paint. Zig, I might just try it myself since you made it seem so easy! Oh, and Chebby, I'll take you up on the pinstripping lessons!!
visit the inlaws Ol Chebby Ill take you up on that Pinstripe lesson will give me a reason to drive teh panel to NC from NJ and visit teh inlaws in New Bern Bill
do it, do it, do it, do it! You know you need to do this~ With all you've done, (and created) I just know you'd be able to do this too! THEN think how pleased you'll be when you know you've "done it all"!
cool beans Ill have to work it out I dont think we will be heading down to the inlaws until late spring Bill