CORRECT Hydraulic Valve Adjusting

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by vwnate1, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Hi Bruce ;

    The deal is this : when the engine was new , and _IF_ it wasn't a
    Monday or Friday build and the machinist wasn't drunk , etc. etc. ,
    GM said you'd set the cylinder to TDC and adjust to _zero_ lash then
    tighten the ball nut 1 - 1/2 turns more (that works out to 540°)
    but , in real life that's almost always WAY too much , so , set each
    valve to TDC and adjust the rockers to zero lash then start the
    engine and warm it up , it'll prolly click a fair bit , use a socket
    on a flex handle not a ratchet and slowly and gently tighten each
    valve only enough to where the clicking noise stops .

    If you cannot tell any clicking stopping , loosen it up until you
    hear it click then tighten it and move on to the next valve in line .

    If the engine slows down or begins to miss , you've tightened that
    valve too much , loosen it up until it clicks then try again .

    Of course this must not be done until you've set the dwell to 33°
    (points gap tp .016") timing dead nuts to either 10° BTDC @ idle or
    32° BTDC all in .

    Bruce Asked :

    Hi Guys, Please tell me the amount of clearance on valve lifters
    for a 59
    Chevy six with hydraulic lifters. Seems to be some mis-information
    in the
    books. Thanks, Bruce
  2. cowboy357

    cowboy357 Member

    Oct 14, 2008
    Good post Nate !! Thats the way it has worked for Me for Years also. I Quit reading & Beleiving the info in them books Years ago .

    Thanks for taking the time to Post in a way I can even understand .

  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    You're Welcome

    No worries Bob ! .

    I remember working on a Corvair many years ago and the service manager looked in the book & told me to give each one 1 - 1/2 turns , I asked ' are you sure ? ' his reply ~ listen kid ! I been working on these cars since you were in diapers ' etc. . etc. ~ needless to say , when I firede it up , the lifters
    were *so* tight , they squeaked like mine and the engine didn't run well....

    I personally think the books are generally right but there's much to be said for applying a bit of experiance and common sense....

    Delco Dealer training taught me the right way to adjust hydraulic lifters .

    Heck , they even told us to get a rocker box (or two for the V-8's) out of stock and cut a hole across the top so's we could work cleaner....

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