I know it must be holiday season as I'm listening to my new CD of Alvin and The Chipmunks singing 20 Christmas Carols on Shirley's speedy computer..... I found 'em @ Target for $9.99 , she's allready gone crazy and left the room I love Christmas music and if it's bent , all the better . This wretched stuff was recorded by David Seville in 1959.....
Did she leave the room because of Alvin, or you singing along? Alvin and the Chipmunks were truly classics! Thanks for the memories. I may have to stop off at Super Wallyworld this afternoon and get one for me too. I gave my previous copy to my grandson a couple of years ago. Speaking of bent, I wonder if Spike Jones ever made a Christmas album.
Happy & Safe Holidays to You too Nate & Everyone Else Here . Luckily For Me ( Insert Sarcasim ) My Wife has found a 24 hour a day radio station, That Plays Nothing BUT Christmas Music , So Alvin & the boys I get to here Quite often , Along with Cheech & Chong Talking about Santa Dude.
Lucky Indeed ! I usually begin playing my Christmas music in August..... Sadly it's all on cassettes and I have no functioning players so she's getting a rest . I wasn't singing right then , I save that for in the car when she cannot escape.... This year will be very tight holidays for most Americans (me included) but I hope by next December thngs will begin turning around . It's time to hang the wreath on the front of the car and truck again.... she hates that too but I've always loved it and in fact I made up a 6 volt illuminated wreath back when I still drove 6 volt vehicles.... it's hanging on it's peg in the washroom in back.......
Happy holidays I wish everyone happy holidays and good health I drive my wife nuts because I like to watch Chevy Chase's movie 'CHRISTMAS VACATION' Ive already watched this month Gene
Happy Holidays Gene, yes that is the all time must watch for Christmas. i just came in from hanging lights on the house, i hate doing it but its nice at night when they are done!!!! NOW THEY'RE ALL BLINKING!!!!/#*?FX?#!!
Christmas Movies That's a great one indeed , it came on just after I cam home from the hospital and I cackled at it , SWMBO wasn't amused . Also good is ' Trains , Planes and Automobiles ' , my all time favorite as it hits very close to home Pretty much any of those holiday disaster movies make me happy There's a new one out this week , hopefully I'll be able to drag SWMBO to see it soon .
Happy Holidays!!! If you have a 5 year old, Christmas music can't beat Christmas shows on TV! The neat thing is, all those old shows they keep playing every year~ I was just starting to get tired of them. Now, having my daughter near by, I find myself getting revved up over them again. I hope everyone here is blessed with all the best. Nate~ for me, it's just great having you here with us! If all goes well, I hope to have my garage walls up and ready for trusses by the new year. We'll see... Enjoy your families all.