For about $500 I could order all new glass for my '50 half-ton with correct logos etched in. But I don't want to pay that kind of money. Does anyone know a source for the original logo that was etched into this glass, along with the date code info? I can make my own stencils and etch the glass myself. And I have plenty of old pieces to practice on. Or. . . can anyone tell me who manufactured the original glass for these trucks? I have a couple of old pieces that say "SAFE PLATE". Was that replacement or original?
L-O-F glass : Libbey-Owens-Ford made Polished Plate Glass and Safety Glass (Safety Plate and E-Z-Eye Glass). LOF promoted curved auto glass. LOF is a brand now owned by Pilkington Glass. There were other small manufacturers that also made Safety Glass. Pittsburg Plate Glass also made (makes) Safety Glass. I do not know how to get stencils for labels. They are most likely licensed. Let's hope that someone knows and posts the info here. Tim
Original glass logos Tim-- Here's a web page that shows some logos. For my own use, I can just copy one of these on the computer, then figure a way to cut a stencil on transparency film. I tried a little test using clear packaging tape, and it works very well. I used fine glass bead. I wonder if the "E-Z-EYE" logo second from left in bottom row would be authentic. It's trying crazy stuff like this that keeps me interested in the restoration hobby.
RE: Original glass logos [updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-02 AT 10:27 AM (CST)]pknauth, The E-Z-Eye logo looks like the logo I have. Do you know your year/month codes? AS-1 xx (windshield, I think) AS-2 xx (other glass, I think) The xx is a date code. Do you know size of label and locations? Tim
RE: Original glass logos Just made up the logo on the computer. I deleted the E-Z-EYE because I thought that it might stand for tinted glass. Is your glass tinted? I do not know the year/month codes. I have a 1950 truck. What year is yours and what do your date codes say? Thanks for the AS-1 and AS-2. I think the hard part will be making a good stencil, but I think it can be done.
RE: Original glass logos Forgot two other points: What corners are the logos located in? AND. . . are they correctly readable from the inside or the outside?
RE: Original glass logos pknauth, I will check locations this weekend and post the measurements. As I recall, the markings were readable from outside the passenger side of the vehicle. However, I have original glass that is readable from the driver's side (the markings were hand-applied, I bet, and might not have always been applied in the same orientation). E-Z-Eye referred to the green-tinted glass. Check this link for the style of the code: Tim
RE: Original glass logos [updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-02 AT 11:18 AM (CST)]Here's what I have so far: []