Things that make you go Hmmmm! I'm sure that I'll take some abuse for this reply, but that's just wrong! There have only been 2 body styles that lend themselves to a chopped top. '49-50 Mercs and '53 Studebakers. OK, OK, maybe '33 Willys coupes too, but there's where I've gotta draw the line. Oh, wait, '32 F*rd coupes look good chopped too. But that's it. I mean it this time! Oh Hell, '33-34 F*rds look good too, but that's it!~ No seriously, that's it! Come to think of it though...
I'll say it~ Anyone notice the grill on this thing? Yup~ it's a '54 GMC. I hear ya'll. "If it wasn't a GMC, he wouldn't have to go to great lengthts like that to make it 'acceptable' to the human eye!"
Not a big fan of What He did to it , OR the fact He used what appears to be a Decent COE truck as a donor vehicle . But I Have to Apreciate the work . Definatly different, Thanks for the link . Bob BTW good one Ken
That is the problem in these cabs, it is hard to extend the cab without throwing off the proportions. would have had to leave the corner windows.
Visual TORTURE ! Is what I felt , looking at all those pictures with the tiny views of various other unrestored but nice looking vintage vehicles in the background...... Oh , you thought I'd be upset he chopped up a classic New Vu Jimmy ? well yeah , that too , worse he destroyed a cabover but you alls have been teaching me to let it ride...