Merry Christmas to everybody out there. hope all those dreamed about parts are under your trees, families are well, and smooth roads ahead for our AD's!
Same to ya! Thanks, Gerald! I know this year ended rather roughly for some, but may this Christmas celebration be just the beginning of a most excellent NEW YEAR! Thanks for the help here and the friendship. Paul
In the words of Tiny Tim "God bless us, everyone"! May visions of sugar plums dance in your heads tonight! Thanks for the companionship and support! You guys are a Godsend! And bless the young ones who are in their garages tonight feverishly putting together bikes, barbie houses, etc so the kids and grandkids will have "silver dollar" eyes in the morning! Ken
Happy Hollidays from Norway Happy Hollidays wishes to you all from Martinius Berg/Norway. A gentle moment in live reframed in silence and beauty. It is snowing here on the other side of the ocean. Nice and peacefull it is really. Looking at the Randsfjord outside, but f....... cold to! Jeg takker dere alle og ønsker et godt nyttår 2009.