Well its a nother new year guys, lets hope its a good one and not the doom and gloom the bloody press keep going on about. Wish you all well and lets get these trucks on the road!
Hey my friend! A very Happy New Year to you too! Dare I post a picture of my truck for you to give me grief about? Hmmm, let me think about that! Naw, that's just what you'd want me to do! Not gonna happen! Here's sending you my very best wishes and everybody else in the AD brotherhood! Ken
All the best for 2009. Well my wife thinks she's still in Scotland so every year we have a new years party she cooks a bunch of food and friends come over and we all get pissed as they say in Scotland ,it's not ner'day here yet.
I haven't eaten pig guts since I left Tennessee. Give me black-eyed peas, fiesta cabbage, and pork loin! Oops! I gave away tomorrow's menu. Cornbread too!
Happy New Year to all. Great site and good info. Bless us all and long live the automobile. As I sell parts for a living
Let's make it a GREAT one! Thanks, Neil! Does this mean you're going to come help me??? Another year to get under his skin! Seriously~ I hope everyone here finds peace and joy this year. Whether it be from behind that big AD steering wheel, the laughter from your little one, or simply in watching yet another beautiful sunset melt away in the west.
So , You Wanna LAUGH , Eh ? Try this one on : SWMBO & her girl freind are both from Oaklahoma , girlfreind is a country typ like me and last night called me to say she'll be cooking Chitterlings etc. for to-day's lunch . For those who don't know , ' Chitterlings ' are Pig's lower intestines (You know , the bad end) and are more commonly known as " Chit'lins " After shoveling so much pig poop on the farm is a lead pipe cinch I don't find them appealing....... How not to insult Marsha who's offering me home cooking.... Go ahead and laugh now , I don't mind
Glad everyone made it to a new year! Nate, were happy you can still complain about Marsha's cooking. Gene
Marsha's Home Cookin' ! You misunderstood ~ it's going to be a Soul Food Extravaganzo ! I'll be shoveling in vast quantities of black eyed peas , read beans & dirty rice , corn bread and on and on , I just hate pig's colons.... Nothing you can do gets that smell out 100 % so I'll pass . On person there is a ' Viper ' and it's breezy & cool here , I don't enjoy the ' contact high ' deal .
FELIZ NAVIDAD mis amigos happy new year one and all. SWMBO and i took a ride on the Harley today and lo and behold outside of small town of Bellville an AD brother had several cabs and asst. parts for sale mostly 52's. sorry didnt think to take pics wit camera phone.
When hell freezes over! Only if by helping you mean to bury that G out in the desert where it belongs