So Then ; This means you'll be selling it and looking for a new project , right ? After all , who wants a 50 year old vehicle that needs no hands on attention ? .
Thanks! Thanks Andy, It's been alot of work and money. I've done all the work myself with the exeption of the machine work to the engine. Even did the smaller chrome parts on the truck(chrome shops earn there keep). Yes Nate I'll keep it for a while and then be bord with it. I already have three other trucks waiting. Gotta keep a low profile now the way the work has slowed. Chris
You are truly a magician! You have turned an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan! I've never been able to warm up to a GMC, but yours is dynamite! Awesome job, Chris! How about some pics of the engine compartment?
Envy That's OK, Chris. All these Chevy owners HAVE to say this just so they don't feel bad about driving what they have. That is one fantastic job you did on that (now) B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L G! So have you driven it much? Is your avatar truck your next project? I agree~ engine compartment pictures, please.
On the road again.... Well I drove it around the block and am driving it into town tomarrow to get it registered. Seems to drive nice, no parts came off that I know of. Here are some pics of the engine compartment. I filled in all the holes in the firewall that werent being used, still have to hook up the heater also.
Pretty Truck ! Wow ; It sure is TEAL . Any trophies yet ? (soon to come if not) I didn't realize you were replacing the mill with a thinwall engine ~ what happened to the Jimmy engine and what's the displacement of that thinwall engine ? . What tranny are you running ? .
Another turned loose Chris~ that is AWESOME! I'm glad nothing fell off! lol! It has got to be such a great feeling to be behind the wheel of that rig. To be rolling down the road in a fresh AD... ~sigh~
Or : Same feeling is recived when driving a rusty old beat to shyte AD shop truck..... Ask me , I know
Right on Nate.. Hit the head on the nail Nate. Only with one thats had alot of time and money put into it you worry about someone screwing it up. Always have had more fun with a clean driver. My 54 chevy 1 ton dump, I've had the most enjoyment useing and driving it. Think I'll drive it tomarrow! Chris
Forgot to answer your ??s Nate. The engine is a 292 and has a TH350. Also put in a 4.11 pumkin. The 248 and hydromatic were gone when I bought it, Darnit! Thanks everyone for the compliments..Chris
REAL Trucks Well Chris ; I like the long stroke 292 as it's a real truck engine (a ' Stroker ' in fact) and of course , the Turbo Hydro 350 slushbox tranny is a tried and true American classic . I used to restore cars for a living and I hated them as I'd get nervous about scratches and whatnot Give me a good running beater any day of the week .
more motivation and inspiration Excellent job - now after all that hardwork - get out there and enjoy it! Thanks for sharing - it helps motivate those of us who are not at the finish line just yet.