Swearing In.... And at , to , because of , etc. etc..... You'se guys are glad to not have me working in the shops as I curse like a drunken sailor when I bash my finger A bad habit I've never been able to break . Even the weenie new hires are amazed at my vocabulary when angry . My back is still very sore and I was Off Duty all day to-day and slept all night last night... Darn lawyer wants me to take time off work and report this to the Dr. , like I won't get yanked off duty again then loose my house .
Wow Nate it been a long time....hope your Ok.Been away from puters and ole trucks. You still talk to Jim in poland? I have lost his e-mail. I really hope you get better....i know what its like to get busted up..Not fun. B
Well Now I've not heard from Jim Proffit in a while , I saw him in the junkyard a couple years ago he was hunting old Mercedes parts with his young bride . I thought we were freinds as I worked on his '29 Stutz , '39 GMC and etc. but he decided when I bought my Russian Ural Moto and he told me not to , I said " I like it " and that was that ~ I rode that R.P.O.C. until I was wrecked by the taxi and it still awaits me . I have no idea why he found it so offensive I could enjoy a R.P.O.C. I hope I get better too , I worked gently but my pain level ratcheted up from 3 to 7 again , I cannot afford to take any more time off so who knows who this is going to wind up I'll plug away , day by day , step by step . Planning to ride again is a big motivator to me . To-day Mom's asked " you're not planning to get back on that darned Moto again are you ? " . Bless her little heart , she doesn't understand .
Thank you ! ME TOO ! Actually , I have an old Honda CT90 Trailbike sitting under a tarp awaiting my return , to-day was to have been a CT90/110 Tiddler group's ride to Sta. Barbera on back roads , I wisely decided not to try riding but I was going to follow them in a cage but the ride was postponed due to rain to-day . One of these days I expect to ride again . I'll prolly never wrestle a Muncie SM420 out in the mud again tho'
Old Hondas Sure ain't nothing wrong with horsing around with an old Honda. They are cheap entertainment in my book! Bob
Yabbutt ; Right now , even the gentle bouncing of a Honda 90 would prolly snap my spine again No Motos until I'm healed ! . Bummer that
Yabbutt Yessir, just keep healin' up, but meanwhile get that thing out from under the tarp. You can do the little stuff, easy...carb, etc. Bob
Maybe I dunno about working on things I have to bend over to fool with yet... Last time I tried it in August , it fired right up . I did major tune up stuff to it last spring , new battery etc. too .
New Car Nah ; That's my new , FREE 1980 Caddilac Fleetwood S & S Victoria body Hearse.... My brother wants to use it for his shop truck Runs good but the tranny leaks and will prolly need rebuilding , I put some SeaFoam in it and will service the tranny as soon as he gets some miles on it . This is the tough part ~ standing idly by whilst others do the fun bits with tools and greasy hands .....
Dig DEEP! What a hoot! Master~ It's just good to see you up and about! A shop truck? I wonder how those would look with the huge chrome wheels with the iddy biddy O-ring tires...
Na , Na ~ You guys missed the part where I wrote : shop truck . Not Barrio Bomber nor Ghetto Hoopty Ride.... If anything it'll have wide whitewalls - my priorities are in order ! BTW : it has factory Delco Air Ride , pump etc....
Goats Yeah and the cheese is pretty good too I also like Birrea (? SP ?) or is it Chivo (?) so don't let 'em near me.....
I had a 57 Caddy hearse that I made into a camper- took all the hardware out and laid 2 layers of carpet padding and a nice plush carpet. you could sleep on the floor without any more padding. LOL.