I would like some lowered pics with the straight axle. Also size of tires and wheels. No subframes or mustangII stuff, just straight axles. And how it was done. Pulling leaves or drop springs??
get it low I have about a 5 inch drop on my truck dearch springs and remove one leaf lowerd gas shocks. still a good ride not choppy. still have torque tube rear end. hope this helps. Robert
2" off I just wanted that "little bit" lowered look. I went with Eaton $pring$. It was a piece of cake to do. Now I just have to hook up the steering. When I have it all put back together, I'll try some different tire sizes to see what will work best to get it a little lower yet~ if it needs it.
2" off Zig with just the 2 inches off did you have any issues with bump steer ? Im wondering how far down you can go before you start to have issues with bump steer and the factory steering parts? I need to take about 4 inches off my truck to fit it in the garage easily. Bill
WOW That's alot with a straight axle. Did you dearch all the springs or just the main . My springs are already almost flat. Does anyone know if this is how they were stock. And do you have a pic of your dearced springs with the wheel off. Preferable the drivers side. I would like to see the sterring arms??
guys Stop messing with the springs and check out DROPPEDAXLES.COM, the guy drops stock axles as low as you need and still gives you chassis clearance, ive got one on order!
Brit I have a very limited budget on this truck.$400 is not in the budget for a axle. This truck needs to look cool and run,stop and pass inspection. It will then be sold and I will move on to a 53 that is hidden in a little old ladies garage.
Well... There aren't many issues with bump steer when it's just setting there... I don't expect it will be much of a problem though. I plan on adding a steering stabilizer however. (just for grins)
Nothing but stock parts. But i did move the spring perches.(well fabbed new ones) I also cut and boxed the frame in the front from the firewall forward(it now is 2 1/2 inches in the front tapered to 4 at the back)... I did not take the truck apart only the fenders off. BUMP steer is and issue . I shortened the pitman arm so the pitman arm joint/ball is 1 inch higher than the axle one. You can also bend the steering arm down. Dropped axles are a bunch of work and most need lots of work on steering arms and cost . They are NOT bolt in. Price? 0 just labor....Ride? Great with over 300,000 miles now.I can put the bumper at about 3 inch off the ground but have it at 4 to 5 as i do drive this in about 40 of the 50 states. After winter i can get some pixs if your a good fab person and know alignments.
Phat that looks good.Still six lug and all??I never thought about narrowing up the frame.It's dark now but I'll take a look at that.Has only been in the low 30's today so not much going on here.
I feel your pain man. Weather has been nuts here in new england.Not complaining as i do a lot of snow removal(just got in been out all night) Ok back to the truck.Yes its still has stock six lug and stock drums. After 20 something years its going disc on the front. When i narrowed the frame i tried to use all stock parts too drive guys nuts that crawl under it to see what "clip" it has LOL. The front spring perches i cut the tops down too allmost were the top of the spring is on the top edge of the frame rail. You need too modify the bumper brackets also for the upper part of the spring shackle. I checked and all i have are snap shots...LOL no digital cameras back than. I dont have a scanner so i guess its 2 months from now. Or when the snow melts. Or just add some snow and it gets even lower LOL Now it has another 15 inches of snow on it.
At least you get snow. We get ice storms. Power lines fail, poles snap like twigs. Was out of power last year for 13 days. If people think there electric bill is high, try making your own with a generator. And back then gas was alot cheaper. I'm glad we didn't loose it this year. We have all new poles this year.
I'm thinking of the same thing as breezy. Droppedaxles.com is a good source, I've heard good things about their products, but they start at a 3" drop! I'm not going to dive into this right away, but want to know what to do when I get that far. I'm going to start with the smaller tires that I have now for it...that may be enough to satisfy me(?).
Bad thing about smaller tires is it will lower the axle ratio even more. Stock is a 4.10 smaller tires would be even lower making the little 216 really scream.
ZIG same old truck just different times in its life the 54 grill got lost a few years back along with the aluimn wheels.(had this old iron for over 25 years on the road) The pix of all the snow is a few weeks ago. The 3 inch drop axle gets the axle itself pretty close to the ground. 5 inch wont even go down the road,Cen Pen sells the axle and Worm is who builds them.(if you can ever get hold of them)877-236-7363. I have built my own but like i said 2 1/2 drop is a lot on a AD.
Thanks, Phat I can't wait to see what my 2" lowered springs get me. I love the ground hugging look, but I like drive ability the most! Your truck proves how hot these trucks look even without the slick finish!