O.K. , I brought my new Samsung digital camera to work (sorry if anyone choked there) and took some nice pix , plugged it in and Lo ! no icon to download.... it works O.K. on SWMBO's puter , why not here ? I turned on the camera and selected download to comupeter but nothing's happening....
pictures Nate, you probably don't have the needed program on your work computer for pulling them off your camera...just guessing. Bob
Try this Nate, try this: 1. Plug you camera in to your computer again & turn it on as you did before. 2. Click on the "my computer" icon on your desk top 3. Look to see if you see an Icon that says like digital camera 4. Click on that icon and follow the prompts and see if the download process begins. Hope it helps.
Here Goes ! I think Bill has it knocked... NOPE ! it won't work , I get this : Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error. Ah rats .
Nate, If this is a networked computer at work, the IT department may have the loading of images blocked without permission. Check with your IT guy and see if he will give you the authorization. Flash drives (cameras, or memory cards) are notorious for introducing viruses into networks. Greg
Pictures at work Good one Bill! I'm thinking Greg is on the right track here. An alternative may be to email them to yourself from Shirley's computer at home. Bob
Wednesday / Friday O.K. here goes again , to-day is my Friday so if it doesn;t work I'll try from a different 'puter later on . No way in hell will the IT guys help me ! they're just kids who don't like us grayhairs
On a Roll Now.... Let's DO THIS The Mechanic here is Chi Town Joe , the best I've ever known , 75 years old and still working hard . The creeper is from a jerkwad on night shift who finally got a taste of his own medcine and apperently doesn't like it much .
Persistence pays Congrats Nate! Can't say I've seen one of those yellow dumps without a snowplow on the front of it lately though. Bob
Nah ; You Alls KNOW I'm an ex farm boy so I get there before anyone else ... I like it like this , nice and quiet , just me , the coffee maker bubbling and the occasional mouse scuttling by
Where's The V Plow ? Well ; it was 92° F that day so , we took it off ya know ! Sunny Southern Khalifornia , (land of fruits , nuts and flakes) what can I say ? .
Damn Nate, No wonder you are always hurting. Working on those friggin 7500's will kill anyone quick. I prefer to stick to the smaller stuff, like Camry's, and Accords. Too old, too sore, and too lazy to do those big ones. That's for the younger guys. The ones that can't tie shoes, so they wear sandals. If it weren't for the old school mechanics, this country would stop running overnight. They need more guys like us to run the country. We would get the shit done!! Glad to hear you are back up and around. Just wish you could do it without the pain. I know how back that sucks. Maybe you guys should beat the guy over the head with the creeper, and then tell him they make hoists that will actually lift the vehicles, so he doesn't have to use it. LOL. Hang tough Nate.................Mike
Nate's a 'puter geek! Way to go, Nate! Perseverance pays off -again! 90+ degrees??? sigh~ Hey, it's finally into the 60s here for the weekend! Yeah!!! Of course, 'round these parts, that means "Let the winds B-L-O-W"!!!! Oh- and let the rain fall! If only I had a roof on my garage... Someday. I can't imagine how tits it'll be to be out there listening to the rain drumming down, and it's just me and my AD. The good news is, my garage is quite a ways from my house, so if my wife comes out to get me, it will have to be for a GOOD reason! Now you'll have to get some camping in the desert with your shop truck posted!