Motor's Manuals The green cover versions are the Commercial versions for use in shops . hard to find , I only have one , no big deal IMO .
For the ignorant, please explain what "Motor's Manuals" are. Is this just short for Motors International? or is it something else. I have searched and eBay and found nothing by "Motor's". Greg
A picture is worth 1000 words! This particular manual pictured below covers 1967 automobiles. It is a generic "how to" manual that came out every year and covered all sorts of stuff pertaining to autos. It covered everything from tune-up specs to troubleshooting to "ID"ing cars based on their grilles. They are very cool books and a great resource used in combo with other manuals.
THANX , Ken ! They're hard cover books for the Journeyman Mechainc covering (IIRC) a ten year spread of American cars . also in Foreign Car editions and trucks . So , each year they'd update a little bit with new car specs and drop off one year of the older info . Begun in...1935 , my oldest one is a 1937 edition . Chock full of long forgotten how to do the niggly little things that make the differance between ' it works ' and proper repairs that ensure " As-New " operation .