Found this yard near Bethune, SC. Old man won't sell any of it....
What a shame. Let's hope he has a will, because if it goes to the state, they'd prolly crush it! There's some nice restorable metal...Thanks for the pictures. Larry
What A Shame At least he let you snap 'photos of it all.... In any case most of those are rusted well beyong the point of no return .
Looks like he might drive the Model A coupe. The two 39 Ford Deluxes are probably the best ones as far as being wanted by the most people. The AD radio must be an after market one but designed for that application by the way it fits the dash. I'd trade him another Packard for the Hudson and the 38 Buick front clip. What am I saying, I'll have to live to 250 to get the projects done that are already sitting around here.
I too was intrigued by the radio! Definitely aftermarket, but a good fit. I could make out the word "Selectop" on the left hand side, but couldn't make out the word on the right. Tried a Google search on Selectop, but I've come up dry so far. It's a shame that he won't sell any of that stuff. Another 5 years and none of that stuff will be worth anything
Have always considered you a master of searches but if you'll accept a thought from a real computer neanderthal you might google "antique car radios" and then see if any offered a Selectop. I know many old cars had Philco and I believe Emerson radios. You can carry this ball much better and further than I can.
i may be right or i may be wrong, but it looks to me like it says "selector" not selectop. it seems like it would make more sense that way. - robert
My mama told me that if I didn't stop that... that I'd go blind. I didn't believe her until I started wearing glasses I think that you are 100% right! Back to the drawing board!
I finally had time to check out these photos~ Don't it just make you want to cry? You know a lot of these would find a loving home if he'd sell them. If he doesn't need the money, donate it to some worthy cause. I just don't understand people like this. Rob (shotwheels) told me that perfect yard in Goodman, MO was all crushed after the old man died. I can't believe THAT, either! ugh.
Late 40's To Mid 50's GM Radios I don't know of you all are aware that various GM divisions used the same basic radio chassis for over 10 years and often folks sell Pontiac or Oldsmobile radios as AD truck radios when they're not ~ on the ground at the swap meet it's difficult to tell them apart and there were two versions of the AD radio in any case... Some won't even fit the AD truck dash . Just recently up by the Canadian border an old junkyard sold out , minimum bid was $450.00 per car and most were far worse rusty than these you showed us ~ same deal ~ some cranky old man refused to sell parts since the late 70's (I had a buddy who drove by it daily for years and years) when he died or retired recently , they brought in some jerkwad auctioneer who decided they were all made of solid gold.... I hate waste . hate it .
You might try seaching by the OTHER word Yes, the word on the left side is SELECTOR - if you can't find any searches by that brand name, you might try seaching by the brand name on the right hand side - it reads VOLUME... Sorry Ken - just could not resist. I save a copy of the picture to my own drive and then open it up with most any picture viewer with a magnify option and sometimes you can see more details. It all depends upon the way the original pic was taken.
Church Bone Yard kind of befitting - look in the background. You can almost hear the preacher man sayin, "May they rust in peace"...
A lot of those cars are really solid compared to what I have seen at the swap meets. He has a 54 chev. truck, the big 1 1/2 ton truck, a gmc longbed...the one in the trees, another chev. 1/2 ton, and maybe more back in the trees....the 31 ford and the 35 ford 4 door are in current tags. Several of them look like they might be drivers with a little tinkering.
Thou Knowest NOT Thy Colonies Neil.... Have you even had the door of an AD come off in your hand ? with the hinges still attached and large chunks of the ' A ' pillar attached... Until the 1980's (I think) most of the snow country liberally salted the roads and few ever bothered to undercoat thier new trucks & cars... I've imported some really rusty cars from Jolley Olde Englande but grew up with far worse Down East . We even call the Mid-West ' The Rust Belt ' and not without good reason .
Ha Ha, reminded me of an old mini i bought and one day dumped the clutch a bit hard at the lights only to watch the gear shift disappear through the floor! got it home and put a jack under it, but as it went up it left the engine, box and front suspension sitting on the floor!!!! good old metal mouse had been at work.
I guess the old guy is still kickin, everything was still there not long ago, doesn't look like anything has moved.