Two different styles of stock heaters with two different cores. Recirculating heater has a round core. VERY hard to find. Fresh air (deluxe) heater has an easier to get rectangular core. Local radiator shop can match it up. It's how I got mine, but it was $pendy. Which heater do you have? Andy
I found a company that will build a new "donut" core: Maine Radiator Co. Not cheap but it works better than new and does not leak. I got tired of steamy windshields and green puddles on the flood mat. Cheers, Terry Here is link:
wow skalywag! i had so much trouble finding a replacement part for my circular heater. For now I just purchased an aftermarket heater until i can get a fresh air heater.
this is the link to their site and page that has the heater parts on it. doesn't have a price, but i would call to check. also I wonder what the difference is between the styles of the fresh air heaters between 52 and 53. my original heater was the recirc heater. i wish i would have looked at this before i purchased and installed the generic one from our host.
The later fresh air heater has a little door on it in the passenger compartment where it meets the cowl. Actuated by a cable release, it opens and closes to change from recirculating to fresh air. I have this heater in my '55.1 Andy