Has anyone had trouble with the engine running on after the switch is turned off? Mine runs 2 or 3 seconds after the switch is turned off, every time. I have a 12 volt with original switch and a push botton start. Someone removed the floor pedal. I have a small Schumacher battery charger that is mounted to the truck which I use when the truck sits for long.
The very first thing is idle speed, shouldn't be over 650 max. Trouble could be in either linkage or vacuum leak if too high. Since you have added additional electrical coils (battery charger) you may be getting back feed from it or the alt/gen. Loosen the coil wire so it's easy to pull and have a helper let you know the instant he/she turns the switch off so you can pull the coil wire at the same time. If the engine dies then you have back feed. A sissy can use insulated pliers for pulling the coil wire. If you have an alternator the exciter wire must run off the accessory terminal and not the ignition. I doubt that you have carbon build up but it can glow and keep an engine running. If it runs with the coil wire pulled this needs to be checked on.
Real sissies get someone else to do it. My summer job between 10th and 11th grade was as a gopher in a one-man auto repair shop. The guy's name was John Elliot. John had the ability to hold onto a plug wire for a few seconds while it was running. Once a week or so, John would be working under the hood of a running car and say to me "bring me that 9/16 wrench". I'd pick it up and while I brought it to John he'd grab a plug wire. I'd hand over the wrench, get zapped good and John would laugh his ass off.
Mine does this also but due to the fact that I have an electric radiator fan wired straight to the ignition. The draw of the fan keeps the current flowing for a few seconds I am told.
Thanks vegaskenn. I have the electric radiator fan. I took the battery charger off and still have the problem. I will remove the fan and see if that works. The engine runs hot when moving slow in 100 deg heat but the radiator probably needs cleaning out
Run On Are we talking about electrical run on or is the engine " Dieseling " ? . As it runs hot I wonder , poor ignition timing causes Run On and it's easy to fix . Even mentions carbon buildup and that's easy to clean out too , free in fact. Is this a proper 6 Banger or some V-ate ? .