THis looks to be the best deal on Hushmat if anyone is looking at the moment - 58 sq. ft of A500 black for $209.99. Here's a link:
how good of a sound deadener is it also how well does it stand up to the heat and cold. It is a good deal for sure, just wondering how does it stand up.
If you want something close to that ,but alot cheaper. Try the lumber yard. Look for some stuff they put around windows before they install windows. Comes on a roll and is real simular. Costs about 16 bucks a roll. It also sticks to just about anything and it is also for keeping moisture out. Check it out!!
Breezy, Could you be a little more specific? I was about to look into the hushmat but would take a look at the stuff you mention if I knew what to ask for. Gater
that "lumberyard stuff" Tailgater, The stuff at the lumberyard is Bituthene (I hear most guys call it bitch-a-thane, but it is pronounced a LITTLE different). Having roofed 15 houses in the last 15 years... I can tell you the Grace brand (called Ice and Water Shield) is the best stuff. A 225sf roll (3' x 75') ran me about a hundred bucks last summer. It is "bituminous polyethylene" (hence the name). The stuff sticks like CRAZY to (near) anything. Comes with a peel-away backing, like the Dynamat stuff you see on Overhaulin'. It is what I will use on Penny, my 53 truck. Most lumberyards (not Home Depot to my knowledge though) will sell it by the foot (expect to pay more per sf though). The stuff will gladly stick to your forearm on a hot summer day on the roof! Check it at Mike
The narrower rolls are also known locally as "blueskin" and is a peel and stick product used as a flashing around windows...
a very long but very good read. and another on Im probably going to place an order for the hushmat very soon. I see that it is on backorder but thats fine with me, months from actually needing the stuff, just not sure on how long the deal is going to last.
and I just noticed that the hushmat is manufactured in the good ol USA!!!, you can see it written on the bottom left hand corner of the box.
I also have a knock off brand at O'rielly's. I can't recall the name. I'm going to use the lumberyard stuff. Not sure if it will be as great as the hushmat, but it will do for my rat truck. Hope someone got some good out of this info. I think I found it over at a rat site.
I was telling a buddy about this stuff and he read somewhere that you would have a tar smell with the roof stuff, especially in hot weather. Any truth to this? I priced the roofing stuff and for 65.oo I could do two trucks.
I used a product called Fatmat. It is just like Dynamat.Bought it on Ebay.100 sq.ft.cost $189.00 delivered. just put it in my 55.1 .Worked great. Hope this helps someone. Sonny
I actually just did my truck with the Dynamat Xtreme. Got it from amazon for $120 for 36 Sq Ft. (search Dynamat on amazon and you'll find it). I did not do behind the seat under it yet nor in the doors, but it definitely made a difference with just the roof, firewall and floor.
I have both dynamat extreme and hushmat in my truck. They both serve the same purpose, but the hushmat sticks to most anything, and is more forgiving on dirt and such.
I just found a site on ebay that sells Fatmat. I bought 100 sq feet for 89. 50mils thick. They also have 80mils. Shipping was 30. I figure with a 100 sq feet I could some of it 2 layers. Thanks for the tip.
Glad you found the site Jesse.I used the 80 mil that they call RattleTrap. Iwas happy with the way it worked. If it doesn't form just right,a heat gun will help.If you do thefirewall,floor back of cab,roof and doors it will take about 100 sq.ft.
Hushmat Sadly the link I put up for the company with the good price on Hushmat is out of stock, won't be restocked for 1 to 2 weeks. I ended up calling the local radio shop and getting some DEI mat - it's similar to Dynomat, a little thicker I think, and sticks like Hushmat when heated up some. I bought several packs of 11" by 11" - 6 pc per package - for $16 bucks a pack. Ol'Chebby and I heated it using the large shop heater keeping the garage warm during our late working hours. We covered the roof, rear wall, floor and inside the doors of my 1952 3100 series truck. It made a huge difference! (We did clean all the surfaces down before install just to be safe on the sticking part). While I was sad at first that I wasn't able to get Hushmat, I ended up saving some cash and achieving the same result.
Yeah, I bought the hushmat knowing that it was out of stock, fiquring I don't need it just yet, as long as they don't forget about me.