The Saturday night shine & show at Kroger's in Spring, TX will start on Mar 14. I'll be skiing in Colorado with my daughter's family. But Randy (the guy that organizes the show) is having a "pre-season" show this Saturday during the day about 5 miles from the regular season show. He tells me that he has 750 spaces reserved and if the weather holds (it is supposed to) he may fill them up. Location is about 1 block east of TX 249 on Louetta. See you there. Flyer here:¤t=VintageParkgoodone.jpg
It's picture time! Great turn out on the show today. Lots of shiney cars and truck with yellow pine pollen on 'em. Tis the season! Took a picture of every AD pickup. Here are a few to get ya started. I love the nerf bumpers on the yellow one. Enjoy! A few more to come.
No more pics of mine on here Bob. It makes Brit50 call me bad names! Here's more from yesterday's show. Ken
And now for something other than AD trucks Also seen at this car show: Check out the hub caps of the flame job 70's Chevy truck. I missed them, but Ken didn't. The '35 Chevy truck has a blown small block. Then there is the picture of Ken taking a picture of a BWM R90 with sidecar that he thought Nate might like to see. And last, my favorite weirdo mobile in the whole show, a blown Pacer with A/C.
Saving the best for last! In the first picture, you'll notice our resident AD wannabe's truck (Hanlon's awesome '57 GMC) parked as close as possible to 2 AD's. The orange '54 was my favorite of all the AD's at the show. The red one is one hot SOB that runs racing fuel and gets about 3 to 4 mpg. He ran out of fuel about a 1/2 mile from the show and needless to say his wife is probably still pissed at him. (Another story!) The Pacer reminded me of Wayne's World on steroids!
Shows You guys have me itching for a car show! Won't start around here for a couple of months yet. I'd still like to see pictures of both of yours in the show. That Pacer is pretty cool! Bob
Thanks for all the pictures! Yeah, that about gets me going! Great pictures~ One truck kinda stands out head and shoulders above the rest... Our shows start the first Saturday of next month. Can't WAIT!
Well, Big Brother~ Don't bring your camera to Pittsburg! When I get mine rolling and Brian gets a door on his rig, Shotwheels, Brian and I will take up 3 spaces, and they'll ALL be Gs!!!! You can come too, Gerald! =^)
Nice Pix ! Thanx That Hack Rig looks like a Chinese one.... Certainly it is loaded with Chinese parts . They're very cool indeed .