What is the trick to getting the running boards off of a 51 chevy 1/2 ton. It has square nuts on them.
Hey BDavis! There is no trick! Get a good nut cutter! The runningboard bolts have a square shoulder to accept them. Sacrifice the nut and replace the bolts with our host's runningboard kit. Here's a pic
A good pair of vise grips work good also. Clamp em good and bend them back and forth, they will break right off. Always worked for me anyways. Chris
Square Nuts Are removed by using an 8 point socket ~ Sears has them . Be aware you don't want the hassle of unscrewing them unless you're doing a concours restoration ~ just give 'em a little fast twist and they'll snap right off , re-pops are available cheaply , longer new ones (" Carriage Bolts ") are in most hardware stores . I just tighten then 1/4 turn and thjey snap right off and don't screw up the holes .
Finally get one off. I tried the vise grips but it kept sllipping off. Thank god for a cold chisel and a big hammer. Man does thaqt work wonders.