Fooled again!! I am in the process of mocking up the truck before starting the road to paint and I found a problem. What I thought was my best fender turned out to be my worst. After sanding all the bondo off, which turned out to be 1/2 thick in some places, and rusted out in more places, I have decided to give up on it. I was wondering if anybody has used the fiberglass fenders from our host. I need a right rear and am considering buying one. Are they just bolt on or do they need massaging? My truck will be a daily driver so I am not concerned that it won't have a metal fender that isn't original. Thanks Jesse
Well, I'll guess I'll answer my own question. I called this am and found out that delivery time on fiberglass fenders is 3 to 4 months. You can't buy just one side you have to buy both. That is 210. apiece, plus 160. shipping, which equals 580. for both!! A steel fender sells for 330. plus 160. shipping which equals 490. My beat up fender looks a lot better now, I'll get back to my body work and shut up!!!
I don't know where you are, but the Charlotte Auto Fair will usually turn up some better than average sheetmetal. It will be the first weekend of April.
Ditto what Ol' Chebby said. Let us know where you live and you'd be surprised at the number of people who will respond with parts close by, people to contact, etc. For example, if you were close to Ft. Worth, Tx, I'd turn you on to a guy who parts out AD's to finance his love for Task Force trucks. Anyway, let us know. After all, that's what we're here for.
Thanks for the response. I live in Tyler, Tx., about 125 miles east of Dallas. Sure would appreciate some help? Thanks Jesse
Jesse, give jimbo59chevy a call. He's the guy I was talking about in an earlier post. His number is (817) 648-3249. A couple of the guys here have bought parts from him and I haven't heard any complaints. You might also check Ebay. I noticed a few fenders there also ranging from $100 to $300+. Happy hunting.