I am curious if anyone knows where i can buy a set of fenders for a 54 1 ton. I see lots of fenders for 47-53 but i was looking for a set of 54 fenders. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't know where to find any. But 47-55 1st series rear fenders are all the same. Front fenders 1/2 , 3/4 and 1 ton are the same for 54 - 55 1st series. 47-53 front are different. Just to help. Gene
54-55-1st fenders 54-55 1st series fenders are different from 47-53. These are being reproduced now. dont know if they are any good. Definatly pricey, I woud keep an eye out on ebay or craigslist. The 1/2 to 1 tons are the same, 1-1/2 ton up are larger, as is the grill. Chris
I bought a set of repro fenders from Chevs of the 40's. They looked good at first, but when I went to put the first one on, it seemed to fit pretty well until I tried to bolt it up where it goes down around the lower part of the rear of the cab. There was a gap of about a 1/4 inch and some holes didn't line up. So I began to look a little closer and I noticed also that the seams at the front of the fender were not in the same position as the original one. This was on my 55 1st. Weather permitting, I will get some pictures in the next couple of days. It is still the old story of 'buyer beware' .
Bruce, I'm curious! What do you mean by "seams"? Original AD front fenders are one piece! I know that the repop fenders have a seam that run down from the middle of the headlight hole to the bottom of the fender. Is that what you're talking about?
If you go to some of the larger swap meets in your area, you should be able to find a pair of fenders in better than average condition. I need ONE fender , but I have found that many vendors will not split up a pair so I am still looking. Going to Hershey and Carlisle in PA this spring to look again. Andy
swap meet what are the dates in spring is the hershey swap meet??? we were planning on going in october.
My bad, Just looked and there doesn't seem to be a spring meet at Hershey. Guess it's just Carlisle this spring then. Andy
Hershey AACA fall meet is usually the first week in October. Well worth the trip. Must be Largest vintage auto flea market in the world - you will see some amazing automotive stuff from allover. I have experienced it for about 18 out of the last 20 years - my brother is an A model person and we make it an annual pilgrimage. GLTA
Andy, there is a guy who comes to Charlotte Auto fair that has had a set of font fenders out of montana for several years. They aren't too bad, don't know the price.
Check Ebay I found a nice rear driver side fender with the original side mount tire indentation in it - for about $75 if I recall correctly. Then had it shipped via Greyhound - cheapest way - from Cali to Illinois. It took 2 weeks or so, but that also was around Thanksgiving if I recall. Still cheapest way I could find and i was really happy with the overall outcome. When I was looking, I'd find quite a few fenders on Ebay. I sold the pair I had and I still have my original without the indentation that will be sold some day.