Any recomendations on how to remove the knob of the headlight switch so that i can mount it in the dashboard? The DPO had the switch all wired up and hanging under the dashboard, I've checked the wiring and now wondering how to mount it to the face of the dashboard.
There is a spring loaded release button on the side of the switch assembly. Look for it. Push it in and the knob and shaft will be released as you pull it out of the switch. Unscrew the bezel (if it is still on the switch), mount the switch in the dash and screw the bezel back onto the switch assembly to hold it into the dash. Then you can replace the knob and rod. It will "click" into place when it is home. Andy
You know what they say... A picture is worth a thousand words. Here's a link to what Andy described. Be sure and click on "next page" to see "the rest of the story"
Thanks. the Manual - the Manual - Research the details. I was wondering what that spring loaded button was...
Light switch handle Larry, kinda difficult when one is not expecting something like this to be so well built! What shape is the handle itself in? I've got an extra that is not too bad if you want it. Also Gary ('54 half ton) is going to the Portland Swap Meet next week if you need anything. He has picked up items for me before and knows pretty much what he's looking for. Bob