In trying to get the cab off of my pickup, would it be better to take the sterring wheel off the column or to remove it from the steering box itself? Once i can get that cab off the frame is off to get sandblasted.
The steering wheel will have to come off. The column is attached to the steering box and is not removable by itself unless you want to mess up the steering box. The entire steering box/column assembly should be removed in order to take off the cab. disconnect the steering linkage at the Pitman arm, unbolt the box from the frame and pull the box/column assembly off the frame and out of the cab. Andy
When you unbolt the steering box, you then pull it out and down, removing it from the cab. Now remove the cab.
Save yourself a lot of grief and buy or rent a steering wheel puller. It provides even pressure all the way around the wheel. Greg
Finallly got the steering wheel off. Got the 2 bolts off in the front of the cab and the 4 bolts in the back of the cab. Took off the pedals and the wiring. Am I missing anything? What is the easiest way to lift it off the frame? I don't have a shop to work in so everything is being done outside.
Muscle needed I used four grown college boys, two good 10' 2"X4"s and had to use a pry bar to break the rust welding the cab floor to the frame. After we broke it loose, we carried it over to a pair of saw horses. The balancing act was challenging at times because we left the doors on. Jim
Did someone say "cab removal"? This thread shows what I did with just the help of one other. It worked great as far as being able to get the frame under the cab and the bottom of the cab finished. Plus, the frame acted as a nice, stable pair of saw horses. If you go onto the 2nd page of this thread, it shows things with a fresh coat of paint. It also made doing the top of the cabs bodywork and painting much easier than if it was standing up...