A little different

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by coilover, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    I know this is a truck site but there is a moral to this post---if you do anything illegal DON'T do it in your beloved toy. This Mach 1 was seized in a drug bust and they had us make a parade car out of it to use in anti-drug promotion. It is completely equipped with all working cop equipment and could be used on the job. Really a nice pony car with the original floor pan; must have cost someone a lot of bags or rocks to then just give it away.

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  2. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Is this a rant or an editorial?

    Ok guys, most of you know that I speak my mind, put my foot in my mouth, and occasionally piss people off.

    Here's my take on what Evan posted.

    Drugs are for losers! Period. End of discussion. I grew up in an age where it was fashionable for our generation to cop out and blame "the man" for our drug problems. My dad instilled in me the evils of drugs, but did not stop there. He took an active interest in what I did, who I hung out with and basically became an active part of my life. Why? Because he loved me and wanted me be the best that I could be. I am proud to say that I am a baby boomer who lived the Vietnam experience, free love, mind expanding experiences, but most of all, I'm proud of the fact that my parents and grandparents took an active part in my life and gave me the moral values that taught me "right from wrong", if you f*ck up blame yourself, not your parents, society, etc etc etc.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I think I'll go to bed now!
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Right On Ken !

    And , he taught you to like those better " Bowtie " trucks.... :rolleyes:

    I too am of that generation but I had no father figure to show me the way . I'm lucky to be here now .

    When I was working @ L.A.P.D. , we scored TONS of cool stuff ! aeroplanes , Ferarries (you can have that junk) , Posches beyond counting , on and on...

    Our Portable Emergency Command Post is a nice semi and trailed that was coming from Fla. to L.A. full of weed.....
  4. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    If more fathers took interest in there children, or even stayed in the family, we wouldn't have many of the problems that we do today. Some kids will go the wrong direction anyway but will usually find their way home. Most that do not have a father end up lost.

    The drug problem in the US has never been attacked as it should be. It is as if we have always brought a knife to a gunfight. We have to fight it where we can and that is in our sphere of influence. In our families, churches and schools. We cannot depend on the federal government. For some reason they have never gotten serious about it. If they did they would probably be as effective as they have been with the war on poverty. It has been going on for 45 years with over a trillion dollars spent and there have been no victories. This is something we have to do.
  5. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Sure wasn't an editorial, I HATE drugs and what it has caused to our nation. I have always said I wish they could put something in the water supply so that anyone that had an illegal drug in thier system would drop dead after one sip. Crime in all forms would nosedive.
  6. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    It happens~

    I grew up with the exact opposite type of dad that Ken had. He just liked to beat the crap out of us. I got lousy grades, so I hung with lousy friends, and by the age of 17 had done just about everything that didn't need a needle.

    I'm NOT proud of this.

    I am happy to say that over the years, God has watched out over me and led me f-a-r from that path.

    What kills me now, is seeing all the young "parents" who are doing and dealing and could give a rats ass that their kids could (and WILL) end up in foster care just because they decided they needed something...




    Bottom line. All arguments are lost with that one word. If you jump that line, you really are pushing your luck with the Big Guy.

    As usual, the children suffer. As usual, the children learn more than one lesson from this. They learn that their parents really like their drugs more than them. This is reflected in how SRS gives the parents so many piss tests to be clean, so they can get their kids back, and yet they never seem to be able to.

    Hear Satan laughing?

    God, keep helping us.
  7. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Amen indeed. Well put, Zig.

    A buddy of mine use to sit in his den and smoke a joint. When his 8 year old son came in he would roar at him to leave. I remember the smell of my grandmaw's kitchen like I smelled it yesterday. I figured that, when that 8 year old turned 12 or 13 and his buddies offered him a joint he might say no till he smelled the familiar smell. He didn't last till 12 before he was toking. Sometimes parents are just dumb.

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