Does anyone know where I can get the choke bracket shown in the attachment? I must have misplaced the one on my carburetor. Greg
When do you need it? I'm making my annual pilgramage to my mother's house in May and might be able to score you one! If you can wait, it's yours!
Pictures How'd you do that ? .(color the part in your picture) I really need to learn cool tricks like that . That Bowden Cble bracket is prolly the # 1 most needed carby part as folks leave it on thier old carby when they turn it in as a core (to save a lousy $5 !) and then panic when it's gone.... This is why I always tell you to NEVER turn in a core nor toss out an old broken part until the job is 100 % done and you're satisfied . This piece was gone missing off my '49 3100 when I bought it , I looked on Flea-Bay and bought an entire Rochester series 'B' carby with the bracket and an early dry typ air filter for $5.00 , the shipping was $9.99 I was happy .
Isn't it funny! The things we take for granted are the hardest parts to find nowadays! The simpest parts that we used to trash are now the ones that cost the most, if you can find them!
Nate, I just scanned the page into Photoshop and then used the paintbrush to color the part of interest. I also cropped out the part of the page that was not pertinent. Greg
Interested in this Rochester piece? I keep some spare pieces around the garage. I have one complete Rochester carb from a 58 235 (i think). The cable bracket is slghtly changed from the one shown, but functions the same. Check out my pics, if you are interested, I will be willing to part with the bracket, I have the correct bracket on my working carb. Jim
An offer you can't refuse Greg, I PM'd you with a somewhat reasonable offer on the bracket you seek. I will be away from the PC for a couple of days so be patient about hearing back from me. Jim
The power of the Forum This shows the power of this forum. Thanks to Jim (Thunder54), I now have the bracket I was searching for. It is installed and ready to start its second life. Greg
Thanx ! For posting that nice picture of how it's supposed to look Don't you just love it when aplan comes to-gether ? . Life is good , Bob Wills , playing , coffee will be ready soon and to-day's not only bagel day but we're having a shop luncheon ! carne asada , all covered in Diesel smoot ~ Mmmmmmmmmmmm