So , yahoo is insisting I upgrade to this thing the last time I changed browsers it took me weeks to get rid of all the mistakes and crashes it caused . Should I ? or should I not ? . TIA ,
no!!! actually you shouldn't use internet explorer at all. I have used Mozilla firefox for the last 6 yrs, started using it in college. I have never once had a virus or any trouble. I do use microsoft IE sometimes when you try to access a micro soft site and it won't load something quite right. but the only time i have to do that is to fill in my time card at work, and to update windows, and thats it. Here is the website for mozilla. It is a far superior browser both security and speed. most viruses are programed to run on IE, therefor using a browser that is not that will cut out a lot of issues you may have. Don't uninstall IE, simply don't use it until you have to. Also if you absolutely have to have IE wait to download IE 8 until the windows update tells you to. the link on yahoo is to a beta or test version, and that means it will have troubles.
Now you've done it Nate. This topic could cause more prejudiced discussion than "What kind of oil is best?" The Classic Parts gatekeeper should dis-allow discussions involving the merits of politics, religion, oil and web browsers.
Wolf, I couldn't have said it better myself. Mozilla is so much better when it comes to pop ups too. Like you, I have to use IE to get my credit union website to work but that is the only thing I use IE for. Gater
I use Firefox with Mozilla and have not had any viruses for the last 5 years. Of course I also use the best virus protection, Nod 32 with automatic daily updates.
Mozilla Firefox here too. Much faster, much less crap. More secure than IE any day. I highly recommend it over IE.....Mike
Yes, Well ; I can't download it on super slow DailUp and I cannot get anyone to copy it to a CD so for the moment I'm stuck . I'll give a go at downloading it to the laptops later .