Okay, I just don't remember but I thought that, when vacuum wipers were off that they would close inward. I fired my truck up today and the wipers were on. When I turn them off they go to the outside and stop. I followed the instructions in the shop manual on how to place them so that they would run right and they do. They just look like they should have flags on them when off. Is that how they should be? Gater
I'm not sure about this, but I'm guessing you have the linkage to the wipers swapped at the vacuum motor.
Bill, You might be right. I just spent some time upside down in a pretzel while hooking up my radio. I might as well do it again. I don't know about you guys but it seems like it takes about 5 minutes to get into position and about 30 minutes to get out. Gater
On the other hand... As long as they didn't slap down across your hood when you turned them on, who cares? Now go get that G down in Alabama!
Gater, here's a good father/son project Take the wiper blades off of the truck. One of you get in the cab ready to turn the wipers on and off. The other one observes the outside. From the off position, turn the wipers on. The driver's side should rotate clockwise, the passenger side counterclockwise. If that happens, you're half way home. Do that a couple of times to make sure that each side goes in the proper direction. When you're satified that it does, position your wipers accordingly, and you're done!