Howdy, I'm 17 and just got my dad's old pickup. It's a 1984 Silverado C-10 LWB. It's been in my family for 25 years and want to keep it going. It's kind of interesting how we still have it but anyways just wanted to say hi.
Here are a few pics of my truck I'm not going to lie it needs work on it. For me its perfects though.
...doesn't look that bad, I've seen worse how does she run?? make sure to keep a list of what you take off and where you put it, parts are rare these days. Good luck!
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, school is hectic. Well she drives pretty good but has a mild vibration though, that shakes the entire truck while driving. The steering wheel vibrates and so does the rear view mirror. I don't know what would cause this? Perhaps you might have a suggestion.
check tire balance rotate tires - front to back on same side - if it changes the way your truck rides then you need a tire balance. get alignment checked by a trustworthy shop Check wheels by spinning and looking at rim, maybe hold ruler or string across wheel as it spins (not touching)
... i thought it was a vibration while driving If it vibrates running sitting still, that ain't the tires, wheels or driveshaft. Motor mounts maybe? not sure how you check those. i do it by looking under the hood and reving the engine fast and hard but that's not real safe... look at the mounts - maybe jack the motor gently and see what moves the guys who really know should jump in here soon. nice truck - glad to see you keepin it. i'll ask around about possible vib causes. Does it vibrate at idle?, high rpm's?, more when driving?
Vibration while in park does sound like motor mounts, when my the mounts in my dad's '85 Olds went bad the motor would rotate 1 - 2" when starting. If you feel it through the steering I'd would check everything to be on the safe side. Jack the truck up by the frame and see if any of the steering or suspension components will move. Also check tranny mount, d-shaft/ujoints, etc.
Check the harmonic balancer and also the flywheel/ flexplate. Does it vibrate or shake. Engine could be missing.
This is GREAT I checked to see if the ignition wires were arching. Luckily they weren't. Then i remember my dad telling me about using a little tranny fluid would clean the carb. So i did and to my surprise the vibrations stopped. Don't know why but i sure am happy. Thanks for all yall's help though. I really do appreciate it.
Cool, never heard of that. wonder if it would work on my throttle body. i've been meaning to pull it off and clean it and check the gasket but have been putting it off until i can have the truck down for a few days in case i need throttle shaft bushings. anybody else ever hear of this tranny fluid thing? how's it work?
Excitement My theory is it burns off all the built up junk inside. But the only things is it creates lots and lots of smoke. I did over exaggerate about the vibrations stopping. It sure did help though. It was so bad that it was like i had a personal massage every time I drove it. A little tune up will surely get her running smooth again. And thanks for your help by the way.