Need Spark Plug Wire Help

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by grayhitandmiss, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. grayhitandmiss

    grayhitandmiss Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    I think I have a 1977 Chevy small block 350
    in my 64 Pickup. I'm putting the engine
    back together, and am wondering what
    spark plug wires and wire "holders" to
    order, and where from.

    I believe the plug wires should be routed
    from the distributer, behind and around
    the heads, then come up from beneath
    the spark plugs, as the block has two 1/4"
    bolt holes behind the
    heads, where I believe some spark plug
    wire holders should go, as well as two
    1/4" holes on each side of the block,
    under the spark plugs.

    Some of the V-8 plug wires aren't long
    enough to be routed this way, and
    if they go over the valve covers
    the rams head style exhaust manifolds
    will burn them.

    Does anyone know what year / model had
    the plug wires routed as above
    (so I can order the correct set)
    and where I can get the plug wire holders
    that will work for the set-up mentioned?

    Also, the valve covers each have two flat
    strap brackets going cross-wise.
    What would have mounted on them?
    Not sure if you can see on the attached
    photo of what I'm talking about.

    Thanks for any help!

    Attached Files:

  2. David Hall

    David Hall Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Chesterfield Va.
    This link will help you identify the year of the block and heads.

    Most plug wire setups I've seen route them from the distributor along the top of the valve cover and then down to the plug. Running the ram style exhaust manifold this creates a problem. I CAN see why your wanting to run the the other way.

    Try searching google for the ram style exhaust manifold, this may show some helpful pictures. The valve covers your running have the welded tabs to mount the flat OEM spark plug holders. On some late model setups manufactures use valve cover bolts that have post on top to slide the wire holder on to.
    Looks like your going to need a universal set.

    Attached Files:

  3. The Carpenter

    The Carpenter Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Valrico, Florida
    pics of my 87

    i don't know if this helps....differnt vlve covers. brackets for wires bolt to heads - broke off on driverside in pic, melted to exhaust- that's custom - costs extra

    Attached Files:

  4. grayhitandmiss

    grayhitandmiss Member

    Mar 14, 2004

    Thanks for your replies. I looked at a 62 truck today with the original set up,
    and with the ram's head exhaust manifolds. The plug wires went around behind the heads, and came up from under the exhaust manfolds onto
    the spark plugs.
  5. David Hall

    David Hall Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Chesterfield Va.
    Nice M4 nail gun, is that 18 volt.
  6. The Carpenter

    The Carpenter Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    Valrico, Florida
    yeah it's 18volt, not sure how that pic sneaked in. supposed to be top secret carpenter tech. it came with instructions for building a fence from a lawn chair while the wife holds the fence boards - promises she'll never ask you to build or fix anything again.
    what's the point of the ram horn exhaust? just a different design? older? better?
    i like the look.
  7. David Hall

    David Hall Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Chesterfield Va.
    The ram horn manifold was the best flowing exhaust manifold in it's time. Back before headers were so common, people used it because all the exhaust ports were the same (or close) length. Unlike most ex. manifolds the front cylinders had the furtherest to travel, while the rear cylinders dumped almost at the ex.pipe.
  8. grayhitandmiss

    grayhitandmiss Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    Correct Spark Plug Wires

    I believe I found what I'm looking for for correct spark plug wires and holders for the 64. This web site had the correct spark plug wires that come up from under the exhaust manifolds......
    and this web site has the correct spark plug shields and holders.

    Other sites may have the correct stuff, but they sure don't give
    you enough information on the parts to make an informed decission!
    The first web site takes PayPal...... that's a bonus in my book.
    Hope this helps someone.

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