Shes running and I'm gaining. However after going through all of the brakes on my stock 51 truck they still pull to the left not hard but enough to make it bother some. I have bleed them several times and followed the manual on the adjustment and they still pull. All 4 work and it brakes well, just pulls. I disassembled all 4 cleaned and confirmed operation. I did replace the left front wheel cylinder because it was leaking and rusted up but the other 3 looked good. Do I continue adjusting until it stops pulling? What am I missing. Thanks. Dave. ps. I did the dual webber carter carbs from Toms and she started right up first time. sounds great.
Had/have the same problem myself. Totally rebuilt the braking system with all new everything except the drums. Adjusted several times. seems to be getting better the more I drive it. Perhaps the shoes just need to bed in some more. I noticed that every time I adjust the brakes, it does a little better, however if I brake hard it will pull still. also seems to pull more if I drive it a bit longer. Seems that brakes will pull more once they heat up a bit. Andy
Check your brake shoes and make sure that they don't have grease, oil, brake fluid etc on them. That will definitely make them squirrelly. Also, check your brake springs. They might be weak causing the improper or insufficient "pull back". Your drums might be "out of round" causing the shoes to not make good surface contact. The wheel cylinder that you replaced might need additional bleeding. Just a few things to consider. Just remember, you need all the "WHOA" you can get, so keep on working on it until it feels right!
One more thing. If the flex line from the frame to the cylinder is old it will expand to let fluid into the cylinder (under pressure) but will collapse and not let the fluid come back from the cylinder thus causing the cylinder to remain full fluid. I actually had a right front lock up till I replaced the flex line. Then it was fine. Gater
Brake Pull O.K. , once the shoes have been wetted with brake fluid , they'll grab and cause pulling , no way to properly clean them . Brake springs must match on each side . if the steering wheel yanks to that side when you stab the brakes , the pull is in the front axle , if it sort of drifts to one side as you brake , it's the rear brakes . Swapping drums left to right will reverse the pulls direction in a very few cases where the drum is the fault . Warped drums don't really cause severe brake pull, they'll cause pedal pulsations , unless the pulsation is severe , learn to live with it , DO NOT turn the drums as this causes brake fading at the worst possible time . Is the brake pedal hard ? and it raises up as you pump it ? if so , the bleeding is prolly good . If the pedal is squishy , this indicates air in the system . In Huck (rhymes with SUCK) brakes have new shoes , it is often necessary to re-adjust the brakes many times before they bed in 100 % and stop straight and true . Tires too make a differance , differing brands of the same size can still be 1/4" in diameter different , this will cause pulling all the time , worse under braking . I hope this helps .