Anybody know of a source for a repo mud shield that goes behind the passenger side fender and in front of the battery box on a 1/2 ton panel truck?
That is something I would never try to find. I would just drop by a local body shop and pick up some scrap sheetmetal and fabricate it myself. You wouldn't even need to weld it on. It could be bolted on.
Craig, is this what you're looking for?
Ken, I think he is refering to the shield that resides just behind the right hand front wheel directly in front of the battery. Mine was "showing some battle scars" when I restored my frame assy. I had to use my body hammers with dollies to re-shape it to semi-presentable appearance. I do not know of any repops for this, but It could be made within one's garage/shop to resemble the original. BTW, those 2 inner fender skirt to Cab shields you showed was were I ended up making my own out of some galvanized sheet steel (Air duct) stuff. Cheers, terry
Battery Protector Ken, Terry is right it's behind the right wheel just in front of the frame mounted battery box. I guess I'll have The Wheelwright make one up for me as it has some strengthing features and a diagnal bend about half way down. I could hammer out a straight one but don't think it would be as strong.