I'm planning my next trip to the US from Sept 4th till Sept. 20th. I plan NY/Boston/Niagara Falls and back to NY. Have anyone information about car/truck shows in September and these states?. Would be nice to look for new ideas or collectible cars/trucks. Volker
Hi Volker, I Would love to meet up with you when you are in New York. I will check for car shows during your stay and will get back to you on that. Andy
Volker, Go to this website, enter the dates you will be here and then the states to which you are going. http://www.hemmings.com/calendar/ Good hunting! Greg
trip plan @Chiro now i'm ready to go to NY. I'll start on 4th of September and stay in NY for 3 days. Then i will go to long island for 1 day and then in direction Boston, Syracruse, Niagara Falls etc. Have you time for an international meeting?? Volker
idk if you are going to be up in the northern ny area but September 6 we have a local show up here in Lake Placid Home of the 1980 olympics.... we usually get around ohh 100 cars or so depending on the weather..... here is a link with the info if you are interested http://www.lakeplacidskiclub.com/fundraising2.htm