Got the red one going last weekend. Have a couple brake line leaks. I am no pro at double flairing. Anyhow enjoy
Thanks, I have a knock off too. 08 HHR. Since I started these 3 more have showed up in town. New fade here I guess. The red one will be for sale. Anybody have an idea of what it would be worth.Mostly original except wheels and brakes.
beautiful trucks.. i wish i had a few more too... i will hopefully have mine on the road here in a month or so. I may have to make a day trip down to see you and Zig, who lives in Pittsburg KS. That would be fun!!!
Thanks there alot of fun.The black one is my DD. The red one is my frustration release from work. John Q pulic can make you crazy. Now that it has finally warmed up I can come home open a beer and enjoy some peace and quiet.
Hey Breezy, are you really gonna sell the red one? I'll tell you how to double the value of it! Paint those lime green wheels!!!!
Aw now come on. Everyone around here seems to like them. There different? So what does anybody think the red truck is worth? Would 4 grand be to much? It will be road worthy and all that.
I really like the black 53. 4K depends on rust & pocket books. There is not many for 4k that could drive across a state without worry. 2 trucks is like twins; where will the time and money GO!
Keep the green! Maybe I'm biased on the green. Yes, I drive this "thing" every day to work! Painted the rims green (Parker wagons Hot Lime) before I knew people were doing it to look "cool". The cancerous spots on the RR dent have faded. It's much brighter when not coated in gravel.
Red's Value It has a good running 235 in it ? no rust ? everything works ? current tags ? . Then I'd say in Mo. , $4K isn't too much to ask . Saying " if it'll drive across the State " means nothing as these fine old rigs will wheeze across America on a clapped out smoking 216 , bald tires and popping out of second gear....
Old red is gone!!! Guy gave me 4 grand for it. Came by work to look at the black one, saw a picture I had on the wall with both of them and came by after work. Drove it down the road came back and wrote a check for a thosand to hold it.Guess those green wheels weren't that bad after all. I haven't even finished what I planned on doing to it. Oh well on to the next project. I think I'll four link the black truck and out an overdrive in it. Maybe A/C who knows.
Oh no harm. It was just some paint that I mixed up out of old stock. Wasn't really sure how it would look. Plans were to paint the truck semi-black. Guess that won't happen. I'll have to find something else for the local vo-tech kids to paint. I keep them busy with stuff like this. All I have to do is supply product, labor is free. I wouldn't let them paint a show car but this thing was by no means perfect. In fact they had painted about ten years ago, guess it has gone ful circle.