first ill start by introducing myself, my name is robert, im 18. i recently got a 1985 chevy scottsdale (it has a sidestep if it helps anyone figure it out more lol) and well im looking for some stuff, all interior stuff i need door panels and the dash because they are obviously old, and broken :'( and i have no money really, but i can scrounge some up. i really need these parts badly, because it bugs the crap out of me, iff anyone can hook me up with the parts, or give me a really good price that would be awesome, this is my first truck and i want it to be awesome. also you all probably dont care but i got this truck for $1 from a friend, when i went to get the truck he filled it with weeds, said that the truck came with extras so well i threw the weeds out and he said remember whatever is in there you paid for (spiders snakes mice etc.) well when i brought the truck home, a mouse fell out of it. lol my dog stole the mouse and i had to chase him around for a bit to get it. i took the whole cab apart and i found a total of $23.75 in change, and a hell of alot of dirt and grime. i hosed out the truck and it looks nice inside, except for no dash etc. im going to be dropping a 350 big block with a really nice cam in it that my neighbor is going to give me out of his el camino the truck is also not registered or smogged atm, and i have yet to get my license. but yeah, this is just a project for me, and i need help. so if anyone can help me that would be really great. ill take anything i can get.
Hey Robert - those stepsides are my 2nd favorite style. Maybe someday I too will have one. Good luck on your parts - i am sure you will be able to make due. I love the story of how you acquired it. I enjoy learing the history of these trucks and that all adds to the interest. i am surprised you only found ONE mouse! I'll bet your dog keeps an eye on that truck still for more. Good luck and enjoy it.
Just in case you do not know this site does sell most of the parts your looking for. but there new and new prices good luck with your truck project.
pontiac1976, i am aware of that thank you, however i do not have money, or a job my only source of income is donations and advertisements on my website which sadly is like $20 every 2 months :'( so i cant afford alot of things. gypsy truck, you are correct in my dog always eyeing the truck, instead of sleeping inside with me like he used to do, he now sleeps under the front driver side wheel of the truck. lol also ill keep you guys updated, i just ripped apart the bed of the truck whichwas a pain in the butt. i bought $135 worth of wood for the bed, which i think is a better price than around 200$ for the actual kit, im currently sealing the wood and varnishing it i already drilled all of the holes and used a router to put the grooves into the wood, so all i need to do is finish putting a couple coats of varnish on the wood, and put it all together. all and all im having fun, and also under further investigation my truck im convinced it went to mexico a couple times, the stereo (satalite radio with 2 huge subs in it) was wired directly to the battery, with which looks to be wire from a old lamp, im going to rewire that soon so the battery does not die on me also the truck needs to be reapulslstered (sorrry for my spelling) it looks as if it was already attempted, the seat has astro turf in it lol, so im convinced this truck went to mexico because of the wiring and crappy upolstery job, also sorry if i sound raciest, i do not mean to be. currently the only things i need for the truck are the dash panel and the drivers side door handle, i cant wait until i get this truck done, this is my first vehicle besides my dirtbikes and my boat, and i love it, another reason i want this done is my girlfriend told me that once i get my license she wants my to take her to the dessert so we can sleep ing the bed of the truck under the stars (we are both hop;less romantics that way lol, and also no sex involved incase you all were thinking thats what i meant by "slept" kuz she is 16 and im 18 lol) luckily ive known her family for years so they trust me but yeah ill upload pictures and stuff for you guys oh i just remembered i need new gaskets for just about everything (leaks are bad exspecially pwr steering leaks) lol have a good day guys, im off to actually pay attention in school