Said you like an early rod with an inliner. This isn't a mid thirties but may be a 28 or 29 or mabe even a 27 but it has what I think is a 292 (wide lifter cover). Not a fan of the trans cooler mounting but he's done well on a low budget and I'll bet he enjoys the snot out of it. Camera was set on video so I don't know if it will upload.
InLine Fun Not to worry Evan ; Just ask one of the grandkids , they'll show you or just make it happen . When I read the subject , for a moment there I thought " Uh , oh..." I was worried you'd found some old Farm Fix thing I'd do .
Evan You Should just be able to Right Click the link to it from the header up top & Paste it in this post . Theres other Ways, But Thats the Only way I Know how to do it . Bob
Nate, Your Farm Fixes are some of the best things here! They remind me of things my Dad would do. Glenn
Well THANX ! As you know , I work in a large truck shop and most of our " mechanics " cannot actually fix anything but they're fair parts changers One new hire is from Vietnam and he's nearly my age and gets confuddled when GM changed the supplier of leaf springs on 70000 series trucks , he couldn't install the new spring because it looked different....... As it turns , he's a nice guy so I'm trying to teach him although he'd rather argue than try something new . Another , a 35 year old factory trained Acura mechanic , , I had to sit him down for 20 minutes and explain the relationship between dwell and ignition timing , then explain coil saturation , etc. ~ he makes $75,000.00 / year and didn't know this basic stuff , I guess my time is long past Thank God for YOU FELLOWS ! Lest you think all is lost , the ones who learn , or are actual Mechanics , all promote to Heavy Duty and only repair Construction Equipment , they wnted me to do that , I said heck no
Hey coilover... Was it this 37 GMC Rat ROD? There are several other videos of this creature at idle, etc. Man it sounds smooth riding along with him!!
Sweet ! I can't help but wonder why he used a Chevy 235 instead of a GMC mill , even a 228 would handily outrun the 235 . I love the dented rockerbox ! . It sounds like he babies it too , I run my 235 harder than that . Look up the how I did it video , shows a master @ work in a slide show .
Okay, it's time for all you computer whiz's to get a laugh at the old farts expense. Remember I'm the guy that sets his pickup clock by taking the battery cable off at noon or midnight because the clock reads 12:00 when the cable is put back on. My ideal radio is one you twist the left knob for on/off/volume and the right knob to move the needle across the dial. It took me a good while to figure out the AM-FM shift button back in the 60's. My pickup has 265,000 miles on it now but the radio is still like new since the only thing ever used is the clock. If someone could do away with about a dozen or so buttons I'd give it a try. With that foundation laid down I've got to first thank and then ask Bob, (Cowboy 357), what is a header and how do you paste in a post. I did learn how to show a picture and am eager to learn other tricks---slowly. I don't think I have Steve Jobs worried--yet. Oh yeah, the left click button on my laptop is worn through the silver and down into the plastic while the right click button is still brand new. Hows that for basic only.
Evan, You know at the top of the screen when you are on the internet where the "address" of the webpage is? It starts with "http://" or maybe "www." That's the "header". If you right click on it, it will be highlighted and perhaps a drop down menu will appear. can left click on it and it will be highlighted. Let's try left clicking first, since you have an aversion to the right button and want to keep it brandy-new looking . Once it is highlighted, press and HOLD down the "shift" key and while holding the shift key, press the letter "C". That copies the web address that is highlighted. Then go to this post for example. Then put your cursor (that little arrow you control with your mouse) wherever you want to place the address, like in one of these posts, and press down and hold the "shift key again and while holding the shift key down, press the letter "V" key. That "pastes" the web address where you want it. It's called "copy and paste". Hope this helps you Evan. Let me know how you do. Andy
Your Welcome Evan & What Andy said as far as the Header . I Just Right click on it & it Highlights it , Then Gives You a Few options Choose Copy & it saves that Link Automaticlly untill You click paste . Then Right click in the Post You want to add the link . Click Paste & it Will Magically appear . It Also Works to do it Like Andy said if You Dont have the Right click option , But I never can remember which buttons are Which, as I have a hard enough time Typing Words. , Hope that helps. Bob
Andy and Bob, THANK YOU. I'm going to give it a try so there might be some weird looking posts. I wish there was a "preview" option for every post.