I was just wondering if anyone is driving this setup? You have given me MANY ideas and details about 5 lug setups, but I keep looking at my original 6 lug steel wheels, and I just wish I knew if there was anyone out there that is running these with a disc brake setup. I've been in touch with Rob up in KC, and he said that the 6 lug they sell does not work with the original wheels. Any ideas/help with this would be appreciated! Paul P.S. Brian, You're welcome here ANYTIME! My truck's house is starting to look like a garage now. I'm not sure I like it, though. I can no longer look out my window and see that beautiful red, yellow, and white cab glistening in the sun.
Yep ; Proffit's '39 GMC is running , he used Datsun PL620 calipers & rotors on some home made (very simple) brackets that attach directly to the spindle , he said the bearins were a slip fit , , works nice , stops on a dime .
Thanks, Nate! I appreciate that, Nate! That gives me something to check into while I'm "on hold"... Sounds simple enough. If I can use my original wheels~ EVEN BETTER!
Paul just so you know I will be dropping of my beautiful G May 15th ish to have to body work done on it. I got a "new" used door from Jim Carters here in KC. They have so many used parts in their basement it was awesome. I only gave 125 bucks for the door, so i thought it was a reasonable price too. Let me know what you end up going with for your rear end. I would love to swap out mine for some more highway gears sometime in the future. And I will prolly copy you once more Hopefully sometime this summer I will be able to make it down to your area again and give you a hand in whatever!
We usually don't have a problem with 15" or larger diameter wheels since that was what the caliper and mount bracket were designed for in most cases. It's when the wheels go down to 14" or smaller that things get dicey and one has to hit the yards and check out the foreign jobs.
Thanks, Evan! I was under the impression that "original" meant 16" wheels? That's what mine are. 6 lug, 16"X6.5 with Western Auto rubber! So what kind of disc brakes do you use? Thanks! Paul
Used Doors That's interesting as even here in So. Cal. we get badly rusted out doors , I scored a cherry pair and was Un-Able to give them away much less sell them... I was thinking I'd get $25.00 each and make a few $ and everyone would be happy.
Zig, we usually make up our own since we have more machine capability than 90% of the venders. Such things as rotor to bearing to spindle problems are non existant when there is a lathe and a mill at ones disposal. I prefer the mid-size GM caliper since it floats on round pins versus the dovetail mount for the Ford. A lot of kits do use the Granada rotor for bearing and spindle capatibility. As long as the rotor thickness and diameter are the same the caliper doesn't know the difference. We do use some parts from Speedway or TSM in Colorado for things like rear disc or pinion mounted parking brake. There is a company that sells just what you need or complete kits for way less than the big names but I can't find it's name. I can get it tomorrow. I saw a neat trick at a dirt tracker shop I was visiting. One guy was sitting on the floor with a rotor in his lap that had caliper on it and the brake line hooked to it. Also had a bracket also hooked to it that was just cut out of 3/8 or so steel plate with a torch. He had another guy sitting in the car work the brake pedal while he bled the caliper---still in his lap. Once bled he put the rotor/caliper onto the axle wheel studs and run a couple lug nuts down snug. Finally he placed the mounting plate against the axle housing and yelled to the guy inside to "stomp the hell out of it". The disc pads held the caliper in perfect alignment while he welded the bracket. When he saw the quisitive look on my face he smiled and said, "Our rear discs cost about twenty bucks".
Great story! I can just see that guy doing that! I look forward to finding out about the company that you speak of. I wish I had your abilities, Evan. Thanks for your time with this!
Dirt trackers! If there's a shortcut or quicker/easier way of doing things, chances are a dirt tracker has invented it, or does it! As we always say..."the rules are black and white, we race in the gray!"
Nate man i wish i could have found that kind of deal. I didn't look to hard and i figured that 125 bucks wasn't too terrible considering that I had to drive only 30 min to pick it up. plus im so anxious to get it all back together and drive it all summer!!! that good ol 245 AC!!! i remember my dad and papa's all telling me that when i was a lil one. Finally they told me that it meant 2 windows down going 45mph Evan thats so cool that you are capable of doing that stuff yourself, making it work and work right!!! Paul I can't wait to see your new home for your truck!!! and i can't wait to go cruising with you!
2-50 ac You haven't lived until you've gone across a desert with both windows down , the cowl vent open AND the windshield cranked out ! that's how we rolled in my old 1946 Chevy 3100 shop truck , the problem is : BEES ! they'd come flying in under the open windshield and land on my lap I'm one of those Country Boys who poked wasps nests with sticks untill I learned better the hard way now I'm askeet of bees , wasps and especially yellow jackets , when one comes in the car , I let go the steering wheel until I've killed it..... Blind panic of a 6' farm boy , I've been told it's quite comical to watch my trying to slap it to death before we land in the ditch . A word about AD & TF Doors , & most old GM trucks , those BIG old worthless farm trucks ? they have the SAME doors and being higher off the ground , they usualy have less dents & rust too .