Is there any good news for me? At first I had a speedometer that bounced, not a lot, typical bouncing for these old trucks. Ol' Chebby suggested that I lube the speedometer cable, which I did and it seemed to help until three or four days ago. It started bouncing even more than before... then the next day it started bouncing hard core. Now when I get up to about 10 MPH she pegs out at 90 mph and stays there whining no matter how fast or slow I go. Yesterday I tried putting on some really bad golf attire and long black socks, making sure to pull my pants up to my chest line. I then installed two high speed fans to really blow some air around in the cab. Then I drove around the neighborhood at 15 mph with the speedo peged at 90, making faces that I remember my 85 year-old grandmother making when she would drive... both hands white knuckled to the steering wheel.... This didn't work... I didn't feel like I was going 90 and the speedo just got louder... Is there a trick or way to fix my aging speedo or do I just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one? THANKS!!
Holy Crap David Ack, You just described EXACTLY what happened to my speedo a couple of months ago. I disconnected it from the cable under the dash, figuring I would swap it out with my spare while I send the broken one out to the speedo shop. I think Nate knows a really good speedo shop. Maybe he'll read this thread and pass along that info again so neither of us have to give up the ghost on our ancient speedos and buy a (shudder) re-pop. Either way, I await the replies 'cuz I got the same thing going on here. That whine is really annoying, isn't it? Andy
Mine used to do that when it was cold until it warmed up. Then one morning, it began screaming and wouldn't stop. Finally, it let out the magic geanie and then it was all over but the shouting. I ordered a repop, it fits well and looks great and best of all, IT WORKS!
North Hollywood Speedometer In North Hollywood Ca. is the place to go . Assuming that is , that after you try your local Speedo shop and they don't want to do it as these are super simple gauges and easy to rebuild , you'll be tickled pink with it when it's done , DO NOT flush your $ on re-pop speedos ! . I also have a place in Downey , Ca. , Don's Speedy Speedometer Service , tell Don I sentcha for the good price . he does the other gauges too .
re-pop I seems that more and more of my truck which I have switched to the re-pop I have slowly changed back to the originial parts. Last weekend I changed the speedo gauge cluster back. The gauge move much better than the re-pop one way less noise. While we are on this subject, what can be done about getting the right gear for the odometer to read the right speed one is traveling.
ratio adapter For my 59 I bought a speedo ratio adaptor from a place called the Transmission Center. They seem to have every speedo gear ever thought of plus they can customize ratio adaptors for what ever. A bit pricey but it works. Heres a link Stan
Inside your speedometer is a brass cup shaped like a feeze plug and about 1 1/4" in diameter which drives the indicator needle and inside of this disc is usually a steel bar or sometimes a smaller disc that is driven by the speedometer cable. The shaft on both ends is the size of a common straight pin and fits into a tiny bronze bushing. With wear or warpage the inner bar contacts the disc making noise and the needle going crazy. If noise only then often the bushing in the back of the housing that has the square female hole for the speedometer cable is dry and can be lubed.
Thanks!! Thanks for all the info guys! I just e-mailed North Hollywood Speedo about rebuilding mine. I'd much rather rebuild it than spend all that cash for a repop. I'll post any responce and repair costs when I get them.
Re-building is the way to go. I used Scott's speedometer shop in Pontiac Michigan and received an excellent show quality instrument in return.
I fixed a 57 chevy and a 59 chevy speedometer by taking the apart & cleaning the inside of the little brass cup that Evan mentioned. It was cheap & eazy. I also bought one from our sponsor ~$200. It came in quick and was perfect.