Okay, I’ve been offline awhile. Here’s where I am. Cab body work is just about done. Is it the best? No. Is it better than it was? Deffinately!!! Under the seat, I have three punched holes. I’m guessing they were put there to drain water---or booze---as necessary? They kinda look like they belong there but with the condition of this cab, I’m guessing the above? Boy I’m lookin forward to these comments. Rick
Under seat The holes were originally put in the chevy cabs to allow fluid to drain where many many chevy drivers were found to be p***sing themselves laughing at the butt ugly G*C's they passed.
The center one is for the support for the seat adjuster rod . Rubber plugs go into the other two or you'll get dust & oily road grime coming in .
Driver side hole The driver side hole is for a clip to hold the wiring harness as it travels to the rear. A clutch-head bolt (head up) secures the wiring harness clip. Nate, I think the center hole you are referring to is on the seat frame and not on the floor pan. BTW, I only have two holes in the floor pan under the seat. Greg
In my '49 the rod travels across the dead center of the seatpan (floor) , the original support is still there , all rotten . Right in the way of storage too , bad design . My harness runs along the frame rail , not the cab . It's an Oakland , Ca.build so maybe some regional differences ?
Seat Adjuster??? Mine must be missin'. Didn't see it in the parts book---of course for the 54. Still think they were water drains? With all the missin' (rusted out---gone) parts I had, water had to go somewhere. It says it's a 48 but I'm wonderin' now if it's not a donor cab from some other time? I also have a hole on the passenger side behind the seat frame. No signs of filler tube being closed up though. Any ideas on that? Rick
Pictures, Pictures... I hesitate to post this because I do not consider myself one of the wise sages of this forum. I do think I am right on this one. First, I want to make sure we are all talking about the same holes in the floor pan. The first photo shows the two holes in my floor pan. The center one does looks like a drain, but the one with the clutch head bolt is for the wiring harness. Photo #2 shows the underside of the cab with the harness and clip installed. The drawing (from the Factory Assm Manual) shows this harness [View B] installed in the cab floor. Greg
Greg I do have a clip near the hole you show but it really looks like someone punched this hole near that clip for a drain? Thanks Rick
Wow! rix 48. Looks like you are one of the frogs in warming water that tailgater signs off on. Conguralitions on the driver side. Please post your progress on the cab corner. Your good results give me hope for my old blue truck. All I have is learn to weld. I have considered getting sheet metal from old refrigerators. They have large sections with 90 deg angles FREE if you have a truck to haul it off.
Welding!! I'm not a welder in any way-shape-or form! Sometimes they lay down just right and others, most of the time, look like bubble gum. I've practiced quite a bit but can't seem to get the vertical ones at all. Grinder works wonders. Rick